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Claudia Grace Dawtry

Roleplay: "Deleted by the owner of the RP 2"

Player: Rurikuroneko

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A kind friendly girl who will go out of her way to help others and believes everyone should be treated as equals.

A young and short girl, Claudia is only fifteen years old and stands at a grand total of five feet tall. She has pale skin, the same as any living in a planet without a sun, and unnatural crimson red eyes. Her hair is a dark brown almost black in color and falls well past her waist. She's normally wearing a white jacket with red trim and has a white long sleeved and high collard frilled white button up shirt beneath it. Her skirt is short falling about mid-thigh and black though it has layers of white frills beneath it, exposed ever so slightly in the same manner as the fills on her sleeves and collar. Around the neck of the jacket there is a red ascot like piece that has a silver, larger diamond shaped, with a family crest on it, attached to a smaller diamond shaped, pin keeping it in place. The crest has a shield with the image of a sword and griffon on it. Claudia also always wears a silver bracelet around her right wrist. Currently she is also carrying around a backpack with her, and contained within it are a few additional changes of clothes, some food, and money she took from her father.

Claudia is a kind and caring person who tends to see the good in everyone. She forgives others easily, even if they hurt her badly, and tends to feel empathy for any and every one. She believes that everyone should be treated as equals even if they are mutants, and has her own thoughts and feelings of what justice is. She is an honest person and would never tell a lie. She wears her emotions out on her sleeve, crying when she’s sad, smiling when she’s happy, and so on. Claudia can be a bit blunt at times since she doesn’t like to lie, but she does try take keep other people’s feelings in consideration. Sadly being so sheltered for all her life means she is also a little ignorant of and about certain things. She is clumsy, childish, and easily gets into troublesome situations as well. However there is another side to her that’s rarely scene. Claudia is protective, strong willed, and observant… when she pays attention. She has a knack for making friends with the least likely of people, and a presence that draws others to her. Claudia is never selfish and will give up what she can in order to help others in need. Due to her selfless nature and ignorance or innocents, she can be a bit easily manipulated if you know how to pull on her heart strings. Despite all her flaws though Claudia always tries to do her best no matter what the situation, and she never complains even if she’s crying and in great pain

Equipment / Abilities
Unfortunately it can’t really be said that Claudia has any abilities at all. She came from a wealthy family and was very sheltered leaving her ignorant and innocent of the world’s ways. She also doesn’t possess any skills that could be considered useful. Though she does know how to read, write, sing, and play musical interments. She also knows how to behave in a high society, but where could that get her? Currently the only items she has are the clothes on her back, the few extra changes in her bag, a few things to eat and a rather nice sum of money.

Claudia was born in a different country, and not on the island. She was born into a very wealthy family and since birth was given everything she desired. However for some reason she never desired much and preferred to spend her time helping others less fortunate than herself. Often she could be found handing out toys to children with far less than herself or giving left over food and sometimes even a bit of money to people she came across in the streets. Claudia would also constantly bring home stray animals and often she would nurture them to health. Then one day around the age of ten she found two boys a couple years older than herself who lived on the street and were orphans. That day she brought them home with her, and though her parents were less than pleased with all the animals and the fact that their daughter was now taking in children, they allowed the boys to stay as servants. Claudia took constant care of the boys and often tried to help them with their tasks which usually ended badly because of how clumsy she was. However, the boys both took a liking to young and lovable girl that had helped them and despite the rough punishments allowed her to continue being what she thought was helpful. Around the time that Claudia turned twelve, William; the older of the two boys was given permission to study and sent to a boarding school by the Dawtry family. During his time away Claudia became even closer to the other boy, Xeno, and she began to grow attracted to him in a manner that her parents found unacceptable. Mr. Dawtry informed Xeno that if he displayed any abnormal interest in Claudia, he would be killed. So Xeno tried his best to remain cold and Claudia tried her best to be friendly. In the end Claudia won Xeno’s affections and he used his meager pay to purchase a silver bracelet for Claudia. Mr. and Mrs. Dawtry were very angry about the whole thing and brought William back in a hope to expose their daughter’s affection as nothing more than the way she would treat an animal she found on the streets. However it proved nothing and so the Mr. Dawtry had the police come to remove Xeno. What no one except William and Claudia knew though was that Xeno was a mutant. When the police attacked him, he fought back exposing his powers and accidently harming Claudia who got caught in the fray when she tried to stop the police. Claudia was knocked unconscious after being injured and when she awoke Xeno was gone. The Dawtry’s lied to their daughter claiming that Xeno had left of his own will to some unknown destination because he had caused her harm. Claudia bought the lie having no reason to believe that her parents were being dishonest and no way of knowing that the police had most likely killed Xeno. William stayed with her all the time while she healed and reported her condition and everything she said to her parents. Then one night Claudia snuck out of her room and over heard her parents talking about possible prospects for her to marry, Claudia was shocked and angered by that. She went back to her room and backed her bag that night then waited for her parents to go to bed. Once she was sure everyone was asleep she stole some food from the kitchen and money from her father’s safe, then she placed a note she had written while waiting and left. Claudia has been on the run searching for Xeno, she looked around the town for a few days, until she was almost caught, then she took a ferry to Svalentia, deciding it would be good to search there.
