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Roleplay: "Avarice"

Player: AlexSilverX

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❖--▇▇--❖--▇▇ A T R E Y UxxX A V I E R xxE L E V E N ▇▇--❖--▇▇--❖ 




Name: Atreyu Xavier Eleven 

Nicknames: A.X.E., Ayu, Leven, Trey, "Iron Head" 

Age: Twenty 

Gender: Male 

Sexual Orientation: Aromantic Pansexual

▇▇--❖--▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇  BUT, BUT I'M AFRAID THAT I 

WELL I MAY HAVE FAKED IT  ▇▇ ▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇--❖--▇▇ 


Physical Description: If you were to limit yourself to first impressions, you wouldn't be the first to mistake Atreyu for some kind of street rat or homeless person. Standing at a rough 6'3", with morbidly pale skin, bagged eyes, thick raven black straight hair that runs down to his shoulders, a lean but toned built that refuses to make him appear any less sickly and yellowed fingertips from excessive smoking, he couldn't look more like scum. His hazel eyes, constantly concealed behind red contacts and his well maintained but very slightly yellowed (again, due to smoking) teeth do little to convince otherwise. Despite all this however, his dimple, a feint beauty mark under the left eye, his height, strong hands, composure and his confident stance prevent him from being completely shunned by those who base their opinions on appearance, but looks-wise, he's a 6.5/10 at best. A few select scars over his anatomy (including but not limited to one on the left side of his jawline, one on his right temple and another on his forehead an inch below the hairline) complete the painting of this scarecrow. 
Clothing and accessories wise, Atreyu has a certain pattern which is easy to follow, aside from the red contacts mentioned above, he often wears black nail polish, similarly colored sleeveless shirts and arm/wrist bands, silver bracelets and necklaces with various shapes, equally black pants and leather riding boots. While he occasionally differs from this, the color black seems to always be a part of his attire. 


ROCKIN' ROLLAH: Atreyu is one of those people who lives every day like it's his last... and he intends to make damn sure. Heavy alcohol, tobacco and various substances intake coupled with severe lack of sleep and an erratic sex life have turned him into a train wreck. It's a miracle he is still alive, let alone clean. Despite being fully aware of how damaging his lifestyle is to himself and his surroundings, he makes very little effort to withdraw from his habits (if any) and seems to condone such a lifestyle among his peers. His social circles do little to aid the situation. 

ROMANTIC APATHY: Atreyu feels absolutely no romantic attachment towards any and doesn't feel the need to pursue a romantic life. He has no qualms with sexual activity and isn't exactly choosy as to who makes it in his bed, but if you expected to cuddle afterwards you were sorely mistaken. He could grow to form close relationships, but those would merely be strong friendships and would be in no way romantic. In part due to this, he doesn't feel any need for physical approaches and warm words. If he ever says anything which could somehow be interpreted in a romantic light, he probably meant it the other way. 

FIGHTS WITH HIS HANDS: Atreyu isn't particularly fond of arguments and is relatively difficult to anger, but should you succeed to indeed piss him off, he'll respond with his hands sooner than his lips. His nickname "Iron head" came from a rumor according to which he beat six men in a drunk brawl with headbutts alone. Though there is no backing for this silly story, a few altercations and his physical built makes it all believable. 

I THINK, THEREFORE, I AM: A very philosophical being, Atreyu is a lot more bothered by existential questions than he is about petty things like rumors and inter-student relationships. Though his deep thoughts occasionally come from intoxicated rambling, he has a tendency to think outside the box and see beyond the obvious. It's a shame he doesn't care more than he must about the rest of humanity as difficult answers seem to come easily to him. His nihilistic point of view somewhat explains the rest of his personality traits. 

FOCUS ON LOCUST: Unable to concentrate on something for too long and diagnosed with mild schizophrenia, Atreyu is medicated for both problems. Unfortunately, his haphazard drug intake combined with excessive intake of his prescription medicine make their functions less than optimal.

BOTTOM LINE: Atreyu lacks any real motivation, drive or focus, he is a shadow of the artist he might have been in the past and doesn't appear to particularly care for any real form of attachment, success or purpose. 

Equipment / Abilities
Talents: MAGIC FINGERS: Multi-talented in terms of music, Atreyu had published an extensive multi-genre discography including a total of 13 albums, 66 singles and 6 music videos. One of his albums is a triple diamond, quadruble platinum record (34,000,000 sales) and his least known work, a reggae single, is still a double silver (200,000 sales) six thousand sales short of making triple. He can play literally any instrument and sing extremely well (especially in light of his tobacco intake). Limited to no style, he has lately developed a fondness to speed metal and grunge, two styles who are widely seen as dead, and his latest works didn't make it on the shelves, but his incredible talent remains. Coming with this instrumental skill is an unparalleled dexterity and several marks on his calloused fingers due to extensive abuse. 

AUTHOR/COMPOSER/BOY-WONDER: Writing his own music and lyrics since his very debut, Atreyu's been considered as somewhat of a boy wonder and has even composed for other professional artists. He is as talented with a pen and paper as he is with strings and pedals and always seems to print out chef-d'oeuvres effortlessly. He accommodates his writing to the style of the artist he composes for and has often made songs in several languages. He did the translation of his best-selling album in 7 different languages, doing a majority of the work himself, and sung it with equal proficiency. 

BRAINS AND BRAWN: In addition to his talent as a musician, Atreyu is both physically and mentally very capable. Of course, not to an extent where he could compete with any of those in those specialties here in Avoraci, but enough to surpass the average in terms of IQ and physical skill. His brains come from having to study for school on top of his musical career and his brawn comes primarily from carrying his own equipment which he is EXTREMELY protective of. 

Failures: TOLL OF HABITS: Being an alcoholic, chain-smoker and occasional drug abuser has it's toll on a human body in more ways than one. The yellowing of his teeth and fingers aside, Atreyu's once almost superhuman vocal range is now significantly limited, though it remains above the human average. His stamina, breath and tolerance to illness suffered greatly and his sleeping schedule is erratic. His attention span has worsened, he is occasionally subject to mild shaking fits caused by withdrawal and has already survived two strokes despite his young age. To top it all off, he is prone to massive headaches. 

MOTIVATIONAL DEFECT: Having lost much of his motivation circa the start of his bad habits, Atreyu rarely focuses long enough on a work to finish it, leaving him with a myriad of incomplete works and even more botched pieces. This has gone to start rumors that his brighter days are behind him and while it doesn't appear to affect him beyond measure such talk does little to help in the matter. Similarly, he doesn't practice half as much as he should and while he remains a musician of considerable skill he is but a shadow of his former self. 

JACK OF ALL TRADES, MASTER OF NONE: When you don't focus on a style, instrument, language, don't practice half as much as you could/should AND take enough substances to kill an adult horse on a weekly basis, there's no way you can rival a true virtuoso in a given area no matter how talented you are. This is the curse that has befallen Atreyu, as although his skills are many and he was once a master musician, a musical student of his age group who perfected a certain instrument would dwarf him without too much difficulty. Similarly, despite his skill in both, his intellect and physical capabilities are nothing out of the ordinary compared to that of those who specialize in the field.




History:( It was on a brisk summer evening that the future rebellious teenage icon nicknamed A.X.E. would come to be born. His father, was a vocalist and huge fan of the post-hardcore band Atreyu and his mother was a bassist with a thing for exotic and unique names, so it was only logical that AXE would be born Atreyu Xavier Eleven. Thanks to his rather musically inclined family, Atreyu was brought up into the world of music with relative ease and the familial environment only improved his already innate talent for it. At the very early age of eleven he was discovered during a gradeschool talent show and became the youngest rock vocalist of recorded history, spending two years as a member of the "Velvet Vultures". Slowly, he gained fame and fortune, escalating the social and musical ladder, began a solo career and began amassing money and awards aplenty. It was a wonderful life any boy his age could hope for. 

Unfortunately and unbeknownst to the young talent, as his career grew so too did the discontent of his parents who relentlessly fought over his affection. Presents, trips, music lessons, privileges were distributed left and right in hopes that one would gain favor over the other and the boy - too young at the time - barely took notice of all the money his parents "borrowed" in the name of his future. But as his talent and bank account grew, so did the greed of his parents who encouraged him to expand his talents, to better his musical prowess and to surpass himself all so they could make money off his back. While their son was on tour or busy in a dimly lit office writing songs, Mr and Mrs Eleven were enjoying a piece of the good life. Working himself a slave for the affection of his parents, the admiration of his fans and the praise of his producers, Atreyu failed to realize that his money and childhood were passing by. In hindsight, it would've been nice to take the time to give them a wave. 

At the age of 15, Atreyu took the time to enjoy a break for himself, his agent believed that dropping off the map for a short while would boost sales and he had been correct in this respect. At the time, his work had taken him to Canada so unwilling to take the plane he remained in the land where you can receive a sunburn on one day and a frost bite the next. There, he met a young woman by the name of Emilie, a french canadian banker's daughter and a natural redhead who quickly befriended the young musician. As the two discussed their respective lives, Emilie made Atreyu realize that his parents were brutally ripping him off. Aggravated by the realization, he contacted his agent who in turn contacted a lawyer and the fiscal battle commenced. Today, his parents are rotting in jail and will remain there for another five years.

In the mean time, Atreyu's career further blossomed, but with popularity and parental issues came depravity and drug abuse. Atreyu became as infamous as he was famous and for a moment, he believed he had peeked, that is until he received a letter inviting him to Avoraci. This was two years ago. 



• Atreyu is left-handed 
• His guitar - which he carries around oftentimes regardless of whether he wishes to play it or not - is named "Alissa" after the singer of the band "The Agonist". 
• Ironically, he was admitted into Avoraci for his album "Sounds of Soul" in which he predominantly plays the cello and organ. 
• He was legally pronounced dead to kill unrest in his fans when he joined the academy. 
• His favorite color - despite what his garments would suggest - is orchid. 
• He is allergic to yeast and thus can't stomach bread or beer.

• The name of the last band he was a member of was "AXE and the Aces".
• His voice is bass, with his range going from E1 to C5 (though he has difficulty reaching the highest and lowest notes).

Theme Song: 
Hollywood Undead - Bullet 
Rob Zombie - Feel so numb 
Dope - I don't give a £*¢{ 

I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing, --❖ 

❖-- Oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me.