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Leila Faris

Roleplay: "Castle Märchen - Fairytales for Adults"

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An innocent young elf with an oddly tinted skin and an ability to control most plant life.

Leila stands at about five and a half feet tall with a slight, shapely frame. She is only 25 years old, extremely young for an elf. She has short cropped black hair and eyes so light the irises appear almost white. Her most prominent feature is her pale green skin and red tribal tattoos on her arms, face and running up the sides of her body. When she is in a public place such as a town or city she normally has her body covered by long hooded traveling cloak. However when she is out in the forests of the world she sheds this cloak for a much more revealing attire in order to more easily commune with the natural world.

Leila is a very naive young woman. She has not been out on her own for very long and does not know the ways of world as well as she would like. This makes it relatively easy for her to tricked or swindled. However getting close enough to her to trick her is the problem as she is very shy and will often back away from an encounter from people. When she does get to know someone she can tend to be very clingy and will defend them with fiercely.

Equipment / Abilities
Leila is very acrobatic so she doesn't wear any armor. She carries two long thin knives in the folds of her cloak and is relatively skilled with them. Where she really shines though is her ability to communicate with and manipulate most forms of plant life.

Leila wasn't so much born as she was found by a group of roaming elves at the base of an enormous tree. From an early age she knew she was different from the rest of her people. The older elves revered her as a forest spirit that had been sent to them but the young elves shunned her causing her to wonder where she really belonged in this world. So on her 20th birthday she ran away from the group of nomads in search of who she really was and where she belonged in this world.

She roamed the continent for the next few years, surviving off the generosity of the forests that she lived in. However one day she stayed in a forest that, unbeknown to her, was full of malevolent spirits that were felt she didn't deserve the help give to her. In secret they cursed her to slowly become what she so easily and freely communicated with. As the months went by she felt the changes getting more and more violent. In her last moments before she fully changed the Lord of Marchen Castle took pity on her and brought her to his castle. The one condition to his saving her was that she was forbidden to leave the castle grounds or else she will be trapped as a tree forever. So there she waits, wondering if there will ever come a time when her curse will be lifted.
