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Felix Godsey

Roleplay: "Deleted by the owner of the RP 2"

Player: Rokuken

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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One of the few remaining people with knowlage on how the generators work.

Felix is tall and well toned. His dirty brown hair is kepted back with an elastic band, With work goggles around his neck. He also keeps a work belt with tools around his waist. his face is normaly expressionless and lost in thought.

Felix tends to be no nonsense when he's working, but those who gain his respect and freindship can see the warmer side. He has a sense of honor which he knows will get him in trouble with the right sort of people one day.

Equipment / Abilities
Felix keeps all the tools of his trade on his belt. Any spare parts he needs is useually kepted in his truck. He never had let anyone know of his mutant ability to channel electricity, though unable to generate any on his own.

Felix was born on the island his grandfarther was one of the wisemen who disipeared with the others. Though before he disappeared, his grandfarther taught Felix the basics of engineering. Besides that he was self taught. He never knew his perents well, being raised by his grandfarther. But he was happy liveing with him. With him gone now, it left an empty space in his heart.
