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Essence Roselyn Foster

Roleplay: "Alone..."

Player: (none)

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"I said Rawr!"


Age: 17.

Birthday: February 4th.

Species: Shapeshifter. She shifts into a snow leopard

Hair: Short, white hair. Has a few longer strands.  Bangs that gently fall above her eyes.

Eyes: Reddish-Orange.

Height: 5'5

Weight: 129 pounds.

Skin: She's porcelain white, like a doll.

Extra: She has a scar on her chin.

Essence is an outgoing girl. She's willing to speak her mind. She's easy to get along with. She's on the shy side with guys she likes. Despite her outgoingness, shes more independent, not allowing herself to rely on anyone.

Likes: Lollipops, Insects, Meat, running, nature, birds, flowers, snow, Archery.

Dislikes: Summer, dogs, fleas, mud, rain, thunder storms.

Equipment / Abilities
She carries around a bow and arrow.

Essence lived with her older brother, Daniel, who practically raised her since she was five. She doesn't remember her parent's much, just know's that they didn't want her nor Daniel because they were shapeshifters. Her brother and her moved out, living on their own. Essence grew up with a pretty normal life, not revealing her secret, that she could transform into a snow leopard.

One day though, her brother Daniel left her a letter, telling her how he had ran off towards the west to live among other shapeshifters. He's known them for sometime, and was looking for another pack member. Only catch is she wasn't able to go along. Once she turned seventeen, he thought she'd be old enough to take care of herself. Sending his love, he asked her to run off towards the east, away from any bad memories here in town. He wanted her to get a fresh start on her life. Then he promised they'd one day meet again.

Devastated, Essence gathered what belongings she could carry, and headed off towards the east, to find those who'd by similar to her.  

She keeps a pet snake in her jacket pocket. She named his after her brother, and carries him with her wherever. He's her best friend.

(( I may add more as I go along in the rp..))