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Elexander "El" Denning

Roleplay: "A Warring Wonderland"

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The March Hare

The March Hare
"A bit scatterbrained. I hope you don't mind all too much, madame."

Hello. Do I know you? You're a peculiar one. My name is Elexander, but call me El, or Mr.Denning- whichever one makes you feel more comfortable. I am a Wonderlander here from Club-Works. I am aware that I don't look like much, but I have quite a few years under my belt. I am five hundred and three years old, though, to normal Earth standards, I believe I look about seventeen or eighteen years old

I am five feet and eight inches tall, shorter than most my age, but I don't seem to be getting any taller. I have a head of unevenly cut hair, one side shorter then the other due to the fact that when we did start cutting it, I was called out for something. As for what that something was, not even I remember. In speaking of my head, I have two black rabbit ears sticking up from the very tip top of it . They move. They're real. I even have a small tail to match. Its not like a cotton ball. Nope, it is more like a short dog's tail. I have to cut holes into my pants in order for them to fit comfortably. 

Hey, can you tell me what the color of my eyes are? I'm not quite so sure myself, since I've never the time to look at a mirror. I don't like mirrors actually. Rather vain things, if I say so myself. I think they're a dark dark blue. To the point where they're almost black. They always seem to match my clothes. Everything but the scarf I mean. I like my scarf a lot. Dark dress shirt that's kinda sorta tucked into a pair of dark trousers or jeans or whatever you want to call them. I have a cool belt that I made myself out of a strip of leather I had bought from the bazaar. The scarf though, I got from a friend of mine. Not sure who, but I don't run into them anymore. It is honestly rather sad.

"Salt and pepper, makes the dinner..."

I have been called a bit absent minded. In fact, if I recall correctly, you gave me a name. I just forgot the name. If I don't write it down, or actually try to remember it, I will definitely most likely forget a lot of things. I can tell you this well- Names are not my best subject. I'll probably just call you by something you have on you like, "You with the purple fur." or "You with the turquoise ascot.". Don't be offended, please. 

What does the term "polite" mean? I think it means to be nice or kind to someone, am I correct? While also being a somewhat unsure, scatterbrained person, I can be rather polite. Pleases, thank yous, you're welcomes, sirs, madames, and so on and so forth. I have been told that I am much like a gentleman outside of my work. I like to help out and keep everything in a somewhat organized manner. Just don't touch my things, and I will be polite. 

While I am working, is a different story. You go into my workshop and you see things. You see things that you are tempted to touch. DON'T. Under any circumstances. I don't remember what a good lot of them can do. If you touch something, it might go off. Kill us all. Not good. I can be rather demanding when I comes to my workshop, because I also can make weapons and other things. Good luck on trying to keep me on task, or making sure that it is the correct thing you want. Make sure you leave a note, so I won't forget, okay? I'll secure it on my to-do list. 

"But in the end, your guests are friends."

Equipment / Abilities
"Ah, hah hah! You're a funny thing."

I am pretty good with mechanics. That's an understatement. I'm AMAZING with mechanics. I can actually animate things with that supposed power I'm supposed to have. It is just a matter of trial and error. I've only managed to animate two things successfully with this power, but only under a lot of stress. The things that I have animated un-successfully, were berserk. Some flew around like crazy, others shot things at random people, and most attacked me. I think it was mostly because of their build. I've not as much experience with clock work as most. I'm more in the computer programming and robot engineering. The little bun-bot on my shoulder is one of my successes. I've named him SoBa. He's rather helpful, but can be rather annoying at times. Saying my thoughts and the such. The other one I have is working in the main forge. It has been helping with the burns, and other injuries that may happen in such an unpredictable environment. 

I also have a pretty neat weapon on me as well. In my boot, I keep a little rod looking thing. It has a button the top that makes it extend to about my height and at the other end, there is a blade infused with electricity. It is a shocking device mostly. Got a lovely scar on me from it. Its on the back of my neck, where the scarf is covering. I've kinda mastered it now, but i'm not as good as I'd hope to be with it. There are other things to the weapon, but I forgot what they did...

Anyway! I have strengths and weaknesses, just as everyone else does.  I'm amazing at building robots, and rather decent at medical things, seeing as how I've patched myself up on many an occasion. I'm not so good against fire though, or in close range fights. I've never really had experience with close range fighting, but with that lack of experience also comes the lack of the ability to dodge incoming attacks if they're from near by. I can keep you at a distance though, and pick you off slowly. I'm also capable of syncing myself to whom ever I'm fighting with on my team to coordinate attacks. It only happens with the right people though, who are the quite opposite to my own personality. It's an odd technique, but it is effective.

"Not as funny as SoBa."

"A little..."

Erm, well you see...
I don't really remember my past. All I remember is the smell of something burning, salt and pepper, a few laughs, throwing things and a sharp pain on the back of my head. Oh, and feeling woozy. Or dizzy. Whichever one seems to fit better. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow. Or the day after. Come back again, perhaps? 

"Here and there, perhaps."

I'm good with programming and building things, but I'm lacking in skills with clockwork. I can't remember what each intricate gear can do... But I'm good at thinking things through well, and making blueprints and reading maps and the such. I have a bit of an artistic talent as well, and with descriptions, I can draw what people tell me. 
But besides that, I can't remember things, or work with clock work... And I have a hard time working with fire. Usually, I avoid the fires and things.  OH! I'm also very gullible. I don't like that, and I guess I could say that it bothers me. 

Songs to build to:
Boileroom (Sasha)
Mr.Tiddles (Sasha)
Watercolor (Pendulum)
Waltz of the Flowers (Tchailkovsky)

Oh! I am also a decent dancer, you know? Like the waltz and the fox-trot.  Ballroom dancing is quite a love of mine. Makes me feel not nearly as forgetful as I am.