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Sparrow The Swift

Roleplay: "Guns of Camelot"

Player: The Epic Geek

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A Native with some spirit magic...


Real Name;; Dawn Budgie
Native Name;; Sparrow The Swift
Age;; 24
Gender;; Female
Origins;; Originally Avalon, now a Native American (Adopted)
Height;; 5'4"
Weight;; 132lbs
Eyes;; Dark Olive Green
Hair;; Dark Brown, straight long to middle of back
Built;; Athletic and womanly

Strengths: Brave, Strong Willpower, Kind, Quick Thinker, and Adaptable
Weaknesses: Childish, Stubborn, Curiosity, Reacts First--Questions Later, and Personal Boundaries
Sparrow is what you would call; a unique woman. Raised as a child in a tribe of Native American's, she was brought up to be a free spirited character. As it was, she is a bit TOO free spirited. The reason for her name is easily seen with how she acts and how she moves. She is always moving from one thing to the next, always flitting from place to place, never stopping to rest much. Sparrow's mind is always thinking and always on the go. She thinks of different things that make no sense, or just daydreams about her fantasies. She is seen as a bit childish, due to her curiosity over the smallest of things. Due to being raised out in the outback instead of near more civilizations, she doesn't know much of the term of 'modern' in the least. Heck, she seen a gun before, but never one up close. In this case, Sparrow can get pretty distracted by new things that catches her attention. With the way she was raised and grew, she is not much of a talker, but when she has questions or someone asks her questions, she starts talking. Even if it's only one line or two at a time. To get her to say more, would more or less deal with something very important.

Unfortunately, like any in her tribe, she pushed to have herself taught how to fight and protect herself. When she was finally taught how to fight, Sparrow ended up adopting the saying; hit first, ask questions later. When someone or something surprises her--which she actually dislikes happening to her--she tends to react by punching or kicking out automatically. Then she would ask what happened or who the person was. Even though, this doesn't make Sparrow a fighting hungry female. She is actually very kind, and understands that the only reason she fights is in a form of protection of herself or to others that need protection when they can't do it themselves. It is clear by how her mind works, that she is a smart young woman, with a very strong will. And like a bird, she can't be kept inside of a cage. Otherwise, she would just up an die.

Equipment / Abilities
Equipment //
Besides the clothes on her back, which are of Native American standards, she tends to carry around a bag full of different items as well as a special knife and charms as well she uses.
  • Bag full of Spices: Herbs, unknown plants, medicine roots, etc.
  • Sparking stones
  • Smoke weed (type of tobacco used in her rituals only)
  • Obsidian stone long knife
  • Marking bell charms
  • Paper charms
  • Berries (used for markings or painting upon her body)

Abilities //

Physical Talents ---

  • Parkour;; Sparrow has the agility, balance, and movements that allows her to use her surroundings to her advantage. Basically, something we all know as Parkour.
  • Martial Arts;; Although she's a Native, due to her history, she was able to learn a mix combination of fighting from her own tribe and a Outsider that came. Thus, she knows how to fight with her fists and feet. Mainly with her legs.
  • Body Control;; Don't be mistaken by what this means. Sparrow has a slight ability to control the reactions and status of her body a bit. In a sense, she can calm her body down, or make it go limp to get out a places or such if needed. She is unable to stop her heart or do anything great. Although, she can concentrate to a point to make her hits seem a little harder. But not by alot.
  • Stone Fist/Kick;; A physical attacking move she is able to do. By calming herself down, and putting her mind in a certain trance, she can make her fists and kicks seem to act like stone when she hits out. She can still get herself hurt if she is not careful when hitting. Meaning, if someone decides to slice her hand up when she's punch, doesn't mean her skin is like stone and will stop it. It will cut her skin. She'll just be in a trace where she doesn't notice it much of the pain right away.

Spiritual Magic ---

  • Calling;; A spell she learned from her tribe, Sparrow is able to call to the spirits and ask basic questions. Like where to go at, or which direction to go in to find a person or thing. The spirits tend to be a bit picky and won't answer her all the time. So she has to be careful of the type of questions to ask.
  • Animal Guide;; Tapping into the spiritual magic, she can communicate with some animals to gain their help for one reason or another. To have a hawk track someone from the sky, or to ask the help of a wolf for protection if need be.

Sparrow's past is a interesting one, considering that she's not a full Native American in the least. As a baby, Sparrow was born as Dawn Budgie. A baby girl in a good and basic family. She was also born in Avalon, believe it or not. For five years, she fed off of the fruit and food there, and as a Avalonian, her lifespan was considered to last long like any other one. Then tragedy struck, as her family was killed out in the outskirts of Avalon. Little baby Dawn was taken away, and thrown in the deserts of a unknown place. Outside of Avalon's protection. The next thing to happen, was a pack of wolves finding the little baby. It was her cries, that called the beasts towards her. But as they came, they did not eat her, instead took up the baby and ran off with the bundle as she had stopped crying. It was two days later, when a tribe of Native American's passing by found the baby in the jaws of one of the wolves that found her. She was close to death, and the chief of that tribe took her in as his own. Like a gift from the Spirits. Since then, she had been raised as one of their own and as the chief's daughter.

Years went by, and the truth of Dawn's real name was never found out. But that didn't stop them from giving her a new name. Sparrow The Swift. Even as a little girl, she was fast. Always running around, quick like a bird, always balanced in what she did. She was a bright girl, growing up in the tribe. Even though her coloring was completely different from theirs, she loved her family dearly as well as the others in the tribe.

It was at the age of thirteen that a Outsider soon came to her tribe. He was a man considered a Asian among the White Men. He was also not considered one of them. Taking in the Yellow Skin, Sparrow became completely curious of him, and would bother and talk with him daily. It was then she notice him doing strange moves, that he called 'Karate' that got her interest. She asked to learn about that from him, but he declined. That didn't stop her from copying him each time he did it. At the end of it, he gave in, and soon taught her the basic's of how to move and formations to use when she did it. Sparrow was a smart one at that. For not only did she learn how to use this 'Karate' to her advantage, she also combined it with a bit of her tribe's fighting style into it. She was a big tomboy, basically, growing up in her tribe. The time came though, for him to leave when he was well enough, and said their goodbyes to each other. Since that day, she always practiced fighting. Even though what she did was weird, none in the tribe singled her out. The tribe was like one huge family to each other, a peaceful one.

As two years passed, that's when the true talent within Sparrow became known, when she tapped into spiritual magic. She used it once, to speak with the birds or ravens that flew at the outskirts of her tribe's campsite once or twice. As chief, and her step-father, Sparrow's guardian took her to the side and told her of the gift she had. She was soon put through training with the tribe's Shaman, and as such, she had to be away from some of her tribe for a certain amount of time. Years passed, as Sparrow learned what she was able to do, practiced her fighting style, and became more and more curious as the time went by. At the time she turned into a young woman, the time for her to find a husband, Sparrow did no such thing. She stuck with her studies seriously. Never once, stopping what she was doing, since she wanted to finish it.

Then the rumors came, about how huge groups of people were traveling to a place called Camelot. Due to something happening in these people's home, they were seeking refugee. The chief went to Sparrow, telling her it the truth of how they found her. He said it was time for her to leave the tribe, and to find the truth of who she really is. To search out and grow more then she could while with them. With given the few supplies she could carry, Sparrow went on her journey. Heading to the place known as Camelot, and hoping to find answers to what she did not even know where to start at.

  • Every morning Sparrow stretches and trains, while every night she meditates and commutes with the Spirits
  • She has a bad habit of sticking her nose into things she shouldn't
  • She tends to act like a cat sometimes, where she is curious and the way she reacts.
  • Due to how long she lived with her tribe, under the sun, she had tanned out slightly as well as her hair darkened over the years.