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Julia Lee

Roleplay: "Legacy"

Player: enkerzed

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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I'm not old enough to retire yet, not by a long shot


Julia is of mixed descent, being half Chinese on her mother's side with the other half being the mix. Having amber eyes, short black hair, a mole beneath the left eye and piercings in the left ear, she looks younger than her 34 years of age. Often wearing clothes that cover her entire body, it's difficult to tell from her slight build that she's a human weapon in disguise. Hidden beneath her youthful appearance is a wealth of experience that you might be able to see in her eyes before she asks what you're staring at.

Compared to the other trainers, Julia was a more kind and caring instructor, but could still be a ruthless disciplinarian if she wanted to be. Also of note is the fact that Julia is the youngest of the instructors. The children of Legacy naturally found it easier to warm up to her, and she in turn became a pseudo older sister for them, both encouraging and stern. Julia is generally a calm and level headed person, but over the years she has become strongly emotionally attached to the children of Legacy. Time will tell what effect this will have on her and others.

Equipment / Abilities
As much of an expert as any other member of Legacy in a vast variety of fields. Of particular note is her vast network of connections which includes people from high level government to the lowest street thugs. She knows just about anyone worth knowing when it comes to hunting criminals and terrorists.


