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Saoirse (pronounced SEER-sha)

Roleplay: "The Hungry Ghost Inn and the Monsters in the Mist"

Player: Staria

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The blind vampire who feeds on energy instead of blood.


The elegant woman is about 5'7 with a curvaceous yet frail looking build. Her hair falls to almost her knees, making her seem even smaller and more demure somehow. Her long wavy hair is a rich dark gold and her eyes a pale icy blue that reminds of a winter sky, they have no pupils which furthers the impression. Her skin is so pale it appears as white as snow, with only the slightest hint of a peach. The slight point on her ears gives away the fact she was probably not human even before she was turned into what she is now. She tends to dress very femininely and in wispy, silk like fabrics. Her clothes also tend to be slightly revealing but always cover up her throat. She has a tiny spray of butterflies above her right eye, though it is hard to see through her bangs even when she wears her hair up.

She has another tattoo of vines encircling her left wrist as well as a few other vines in various places on her body.

((working on a better pic xD))


She is elegant, refined, and highly intelligent. She keeps to herself, often day dreaming, but will chat easily to anyone who tries to speak to her though she can be a little secretive. She seems rather bored with a lot of life, rarely expressing more than a passing interest in much of anything. She does seem to have a weakness for animals, however. She also loves flowers.

Equipment / Abilities


The Sword of Deirdre - A mystical sword said to be enchanted with the power of a broken heart. She rarely draws it from its scabbard and once she does many wish she hadn't as the object of her wrath often feels utterly lost, broken.

Staff - A simple wood staff by the look of it.... but with runes carved in it that make it nearly impossible to break.



From birth she has been able to control plants and animals, but upon being turned animals no longer fall so easily under her sway though she retains her ability to speak to them. She has gained most of the traditional vampire physical abilities but also appears immune to sunlight.  She is also skilled in necromancy and appears to have an affinity with the dead now that she is dead herself. She can even use this to keep the undead from being able to enter a certain area and similiar things. She seems a strange mess of contradictions, many presume because of her not being human when she was turned.  Though she is able to use her sword and staff very well she is better at using magic.


 Little is known about her past and she speaks of any less. It is known from other nymphs, druids, and nature spirits that she was born one of the first nature spirits in Ireland. She was very powerful and went by many names, always interested in the affair of elf and man. They also say she fell in love with a celtic human and that this proved her ‘fall to darkness and the unnatural.’ They will give no other details. They refer to her as ‘the lost one’ and will say little else from either sadness or disgust.

She has the ability to speak any language.