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Phoenix Blaze

Roleplay: "With great power is great responsibility -"

Player: Claire_201

Public,   Enabled,   Pending,   Owned

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Quiet, excitable, hyper, free, loner, rogue, fighter, Phoenix is her name.

Bloody Red hair that is to the bottom of her shoulder blade's, pale, has vibrant green eyes.

She is very closed off, doesn't trust people easily.
When she know's someone, or is alone, she can be hyper, funny, excitable and free.
But quiet when people are around her.
Good fighter.
She prefer's to be alone because everyone she has known has hurt her.

Equipment / Abilities
Long samurai blade.
Long dagger that her grandmother gave her.
She can go through wall's, and turn invisible.

Her mother was a Shapeshifter, her father was a Demon.
After she was born, they were killed and she was taken in by her grandmother. 
When she was nine, her grandmother had been hunted down and killed, in her last dying breathe she gave her dagger to Phoenix.
Phoenix has been a 'Rogue'/'Loner' since then.
She doesn't trust anyone because they just end up hurting her and stabbing her in the back.



Name: Phoenix Blade

Age: seventeen

Sex: Female

Looks: Red hair, pale complexion, vibrant green eyes

Wears: Black ripped skinny jean's, a white band shirt, old worn our converse, locket of her parent's and grandmother around her neck

Crush: Non-existent

Other: Orphaned, and her favorite song is Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance