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Ana Kaliente

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: Kia_

Rating: (any)   Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror, Modern, Fan-based, Other  

Mysterious unknown type of girl that loves to do as she pleases but is not like the others.


Ana is sometimes kind and sweet along with cool to be friends with. She gets along with just anybody but she can also be the biggest b*tch you will meet if her friends or family are threatened or those she believes shouldn't be threatened. Most of the time she is as she appears except stronger willed.

Equipment / Abilities
She mostly forms and controls electricity (energy in other words) and tends to freak out with overloading almost. She isn't a god-mode person and sometimes her powers can kill or hurt others. She can use it as she imagines it but she can NEVER be struck by lighting or...well you wouldn't want to know. She can fly but she is fearful of heights and freaks out unless angry or upset and most of the time when she flies it isn't for very long.

Ana Kaliente came from another demension of her own, she had everything a girl could ask for. A boyfriend, great friends, a wonderful family, a life, nothing wrong, no deaths close to her, and yet something still didn't just fit. She didn't have everything she wanted. She was missing...something...messing with magic she was able to keep her demension frozen in time but only until she returned where she would be trapped their until the next new moon. She does miss her family but is doing so great going from her demension to one where she has magical abilities and refuses to leave it. If she is a stupid or weird person because of that, so what, her family is safe and she is living out her life.


Ana Kaliente

11-14 (Year is depending on the century)

20 years old

Loves cats but would rather have a dog or some sort of bird (hawk or pretty parot or something)