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Roleplay: "Eternal Sands - Closed"

Player: enkerzed

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A half-orc bandit with a penchant for guns and lots of violence


Crusher is a half orc (and NOT a product of rape), smaller than most orcs yet larger than most humans. He has more orcish features than human, but at least he's no freak (in terms of physical appearance) in comparison to other half orcs like him. His right arm is a prosthetic and there are military implant devices around his eyes that allows him to see in augmented reality, able to display maps, crosshairs that follow the muzzle of his gun, target profiles from facial recognition, gun flash detection and other kinds of tactical data, all available from Empire databases which he still has access to thanks to his talents in computer hacking. As a half orc, his tusks are incredibly short and he's not so heavily muscled, but he's still as mean as they come with the face of a highwayman. The fact that he's a bandit and still alive at 34 years of age is a testament to how much of a hard case this guy is.

A nihilist and an anarchist, it's hard to believe that this gun crazy mercenary with a love of violence used to be a well adjusted, nice little kid, if somewhat of a technological geek. He hates the Empire because he hates society, he hates the rebels because they're hopeless fools, and he hates the nomads because they're all a bunch of dirty savages in his eyes. As a matter of fact, he hates just about anyone he sees and he's cynical as hell, but should you somehow actually manage to gain his loyalty then congratulations, you have a psychopathic comrade for life. Overall, he is NOT a nice fellow, but then again, you wouldn't expect him to be.

Equipment / Abilities
Asides from being an extremely adept tech-head, he's also a crack marksman and has dabbled in engineering and medicine (but it's not like he made his prosthetic arm himself). As you can see in the image above, he's also very well armed and armoured.

Following in the footsteps of his orc mother, he enlisted in the Empire army as soon as he was old enough and found a role as a technology specialist, rear echelon... that's when things started to change. The more weapons, vehicles and systems he worked with, the more he wanted to use them. One day, he got that chance when the rebels attacked the town where he was posted, and he joined the defence with gusto. The rebels never stood a chance and by the time it was over, Crusher had ten confirmed kills. In the space of a single battle, his orcish blood lust was awakened and he decided to transfer to infantry. He never liked going on leave as his whole perception of society had radically changed and people had become nothing but walking meat bags to him, so after more missions, more confirmed kills and more experience, he applied for special forces and passed with flying colours, having a particularly high aptitude for working with devices both high and low-tech. This made him the go-to guy when it came to dealing with enemy weapon systems, robotic defenders and communications, among other things, even after he lost his right arm to a grenade. Unfortunately, this also provided him with the wealth of skills and experience that could benefit any mercenary when he decided to go AWOL, and become a gun-for-hire. He has been ever since and he loves his job, especially when he gets to work on his own.

THEME (Tom Waits - Hell Broke Luce)

Crusher is not his real name