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Zora and Mr. Black (her white chao)

Roleplay: "The Sonic Articles"

Player: MaddIe_was_here

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"Whoa! I have a HAND!!!" :O biggest discovery of the century!!

She's a wolf with big ears, large brown eyes that change color to her mood, and long black hair with electric blue streaks that turn white when fighting seriously, she wears a shirt that droops down to her shoulders (it's dark purple and has cuts up the side) she wears dark-ish skinny jeans with dark purple boots and chains with a buckle the chains at the top and the buckle at the ankle.

just........ Find out later -_-

Equipment / Abilities
She has one weapon. you'll find out. and phsycokenisis and chaos control

Zora grew up like any other animal, she enjoyed it, then one day EggHead came and killed her family, she was left alone on the streets, until Baco found her (more on him later) He gave her shelter and took care of her and she wants to repay that debt by killing eggman for him.

She is single boys *eyebrow wiggle*