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Ceslav Namur

Roleplay: (Character Pool)

Owner: kokonimo

Rating: General   Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror, Historical  

Currently looking to be taken on as a gaffer's apprentice--and has been doing so for five years.


Chronic sickness has left Ceslav with a pale complexion, making him look ever the more ghastly with his pale blond hair. To make himself look at least slightly agreeable, he wears his long, wavy hair in a loose knot at the nape of his neck. Ceslav is of slight to average build, making him afraid of going out on windy days. His light gray eyes are sensitive to the sun and he carries about a parasol wherever he goes. Of course, a young man carrying around a parasol looks even the more ridiculous when standing at 5'11". It's oh-so-hard not to be the center of attention. Pity.

Ceslav prides himself in collecting ostentacious silk scarves which he wears about his neck as a cravat. He's extremely opposed to many Victorian styles and can be found at home in a simple pair of knee breeches and a cotton tunic. When he goes out about the town, he will adorn himself in the regular men's fashion in an attempt to not be so noticeable. He rarely succeeds.


Sarcastic and a bit of a pessimist, Ceslav is not the one to be around when you're having a bad day. He's a quiet person and very reserved, though he is strong-willed in his way. Ceslav doesn't speak unless absolutely necessary, and when he does, he often challenges the speaker.

As a young man who spent the better part of his childhood locked up indoors, Ceslav suffers from a slight case of agoraphobia. He prefers small gatherings to large ones and if it were absolutely up to him, he'd take no visitors at all. He enjoys his 'me-time'; well, as much as he can afford when his twin sister isn't poking around.

Equipment / Abilities
Ceslav has no special powers, aside from his talent at glass blowing. His great-uncle was a skilled gaffer who rarely gave Ceslav the time fo day, but Ceslav did manage to learn a few tricks. The only other talent he has is scaring people. Not intentionally; it just happens.


Ceslav Namur was born to two loving parents in Differedange, Luxembourg. Though fluent in Luxembourgish, Ceslav is accustomed to speaking English as a result of moving to England when he was a child. England is his family's ancestral home. He currently resides with his immediate family in the family estate in the countryside of Wiltshire. This immediate family consists of his father, mother, twin sister and two little brothers. Ceslav and his twin sister, Coralie, are somewhat similar in appearance but not in demeanor. Unlike the quiet, reserved Ceslav, Coralie is passionate, brandish, and terribly honery.  As one can imagine, they rarely get along.

Ceslav was sickly as a child, but he is slowly growing out of it. A victim to chronic upper respiratory infections, he rarely leaves home during seasonal changes. He often carries a bottle of honey around with him should he suddenly find himself short of wind. His mother and father are extremely protective of their delicate son and kept him away from others for much of his childhood. His paleness is believed to be the permanent result of lack of sun exposure. Many say he resembles a walking ghost and prefer to stay away from him. This in addition to his parents' protectiveness has lead him to develop a slight fear of public places. When he was young, it wasn't much of a problem to avoid the general populace, but as a young adult, the fear is starting to take its toll. Ceslav is looking to be apprenticed as a gaffer, but it is hard for him to interact with the local townspeople. He continues to search for employment, however, much to the chagrin of his parents (and sadistic amusement of his twin sister).
