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Mary McKay

Roleplay: "Alone..."

Player: Twilit Raven

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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I don't want anyone to leave me again...

Race: Witch

Age: 12

Height: 3'10"

Hair: Long blond hair that goes down to her waist

Eyes: Violet

Clothing: Mary likes to wear as few layers as possible, so she tends to wear long sleeved button down shirts, long pants, and doesn’t really care for shoes, but wears runners to appease her brother. She doesn’t really care what colours she wears, as long as the clothes are comfortable.

Mary is a devious young girl, using her innocent looks against others easily, and often just for fun. Despite this, and being younger, she is the protector of her brother, who is much more naive and easily scared. For this reason, you will very rarely find one without the other. She has trouble trusting others, but will try to get along with people in order to get what she can out of them, showing off a cheerful disposition. Even though she tries to come off as the stronger of the two siblings, she doesn’t react well in crisis situations, and generally either panics, or goes into shock, for once having to rely on her brother.

Equipment / Abilities
Mary is more adept at illusionary spells, as well as dark magic, or spells that involve pain, even though she doesn’t know many yet. She keeps a small knife on her, which belonged to her mother before the witch hunts started in her town, and keeps it like a memento, and so that she always has a means of defence.

The two siblings also have a hereditary ability of seeing beings’ auras, though at the moment, they are only really familiar with other magic users and shape shifters’ auras.

Mary and her brother Michael used to live a peaceful life with their parents, as well as outside family members. They grew up knowing that they could do magic, seeing as their line had always had spell casters in it, for as many generations as anyone could remember. No one in their town knew, and they were all fine with that.

Unfortunately, one day at school, her brother’s magic got out of hand. Everyone in their class found out, and the two siblings, and all of their family members, were captured, starting a witch hunt that lasted for months. During that time, the two were kept in a separate cell from their parents, cold and hungry, only being given water.

It was the day of the public hanging of their whole family when they managed to escape. They were on the platform, the first ones to be hung, when a girl in the audience changed into a huge cat and started mauling the guards, and cutting the ropes holding Mary and her brother. Everything was a blur for a few minutes, so much was happening, but they saw the girl go down, and then a man follow after her, and then the girl grabbed their arms and started running with them. They’ve been running ever since, utilizing Mary’s magic only when they had to, and sticking to forested areas whenever they could.  They found Teelu about 5 months ago, and have been living there ever since.

Mary tends to use a lot of hand gestures when she’s talking.