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River Leith

Roleplay: "DREAMLINK"

Player: Xavirne

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The Unknown

◤ Destin River Leith 

Nationality |  European mutt - Irish, Scottish, German, Austrian, Polish, English, and some Russian
Family |  mum, pa, and sister
Significant Other |  none currently
Children |  my six year old daughter named Kiara Miracle Leith; I call her Kiki

Height |  six foot two inches
Body Type |  pretty average on the outside but, once the shirt comes off, you will find a well-defined and muscular man
Eye Color |  a nice blue shade
Makeup |  what man in his right mind wears makeup?
Hair Color |  a golden blonde color
Hair Style |  unlike most of my gender, I like keeping it neat and tidy

Blood Type |  A+
Zodiac |  Sagittarius
Age |  Thirty-one

Body Modifications |  have you any tattoos, piercings, scars, etc.
Attire |  when at home, a simple t-shirt and black jeans; when at work, a suit of armor

Seven Adjectives |  Mysterious, secretive, unpredictable, cunning, intelligent, nurturing, and outgoing
>>  Why are these their adjectives?

Sin of Choice |  Wrath
>>  I have a very short fuse, especially when my pride's on the line.

Likes & Dislikes |  Kiki, horses, rum, sex, swords, Medieval times, and working // prostitutes, seeing my daughter get hurt, thugs, and the police (including my father)

Favorite Color |  Indigo
>>  It reminds me of me.  It's mysterious and wise.  It's... profound.

Favorite Creature |  What's your favorite animal
>>  Why do you like this one?

Equipment / Abilities
Bladed Weapon(s) |  Longsword + image 
Ranged Weapon(s) |  Bow and Arrows + image
Element |  Water

Five Best Skills |  The ability to hide his presence, cleaning, swordsmanship, talking, and babysitting children
Three Traits Lacking |  Cooking (cannot do this whatsoever), patience (this really is a virtue), and swimming (he has never been taught)
Strengths & Weakness |  What are they

Personal Items |  A pair of dogtags (his), a switchblade, an empty pack of cigarettes, a few coins, electronic devices, and his keys
Signature Object |  Kiki's hospital tag.  She was pretty sick when she was born and was rushed away to a medical care unit.  She died twice but they brought here back.  I've kept that tag as a reminder that, no matter the odds, you just got to keep clinging to what matters most - life.  Anyway, I wear it around my left wrist.

Previous Job |  Besides being a father, I'm a waiter at a Medieval style diner.  Not the best job but it has flexible hours, which is great when you're a single father trying to raise a princess.
Ideal Dream Location |  A simple house with a white picket fence in the country.  Maybe 45 acres of rolling, green hills and trees?  I think my princess would love it.  Maybe get a horse, too.  Kiki loves her horses.

Childhood |  What was your past like

Present Life |  What is your life like now

Future Aspirations |  I would love to see my baby girl grow up in a world where happiness surrounds her.  I would love to walk her down the aisle and be there when she gives birth to a pair of twins.

My Secret |  Believe it or not, I've killed someone.
>>  While in the darker, shadier spots of the city, I  dumped into a man on the ground.  He was panting and blood was everywhere.  Now, being a nice guy, I decided to put him out of his misery.  I took his jackknife and stabbed him in the heart.  And yes, I was smart enough to wear gloves and not get any blood on myself.  I even avoided the pools of blood so my feet didn't track in the stuff.  My father's an ex-cop so I learned a lot of stuff from him.  In other words, no one knows this secret but God and I.

Lie You Tell Everyone |  That I've never been arrested.
>>  When I was twenty-five, I fucked up big time.  I screwed a sixteen year old.  Her parents tried to get me arrested for rape.  Thank god the harlot told them otherwise.  However, during the police's investigation of me, they discovered that I punched someone in public who had tipped the cops off but they never really investigated it.  They went to the creep I busted up and he pressed charges FOUR YEARS LATER. My lawyer, who just so happens to be a great guy, was able to get me out of jail way early.  How did he do it?  I still don't know.  All I can say is that I'm thankful for it.  The four weeks I was in the iron pen was hell.  Needless to say, all records of this arrest were removed from public view.  Meaning, only the people involved know the truth about my arrest.

Little Known Fact |  The mother to my daughter is a crack whore.
>>  I don't want people to know about my "dark" days where I screwed anyone with a vagina.

Uniform Colors |  Indigo, white, and black
>>  They go nice with my eyes.