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Byrne Ingram

Roleplay: "Xavi's character dump"

Player: Xavirne

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“Come, the croaking raven doth bellow for revenge.” - Sharespeare


NAME:  Byrne Ingram
AGE:  Twenty
GENDER:  Nightmare (Male)
CLOTHING: He was wearing a white button down shirt with a black tie.  A black vest and suit coat were wrapped around his top and black dress pants covered his lower half.  Black socks with black boots squared out his look along with a pair of black shades and black leather gloves.
HAIR:  Black like that of a raven
EYES:  Slate gray
NATIONALITY:  American through and through
HEIGHT:  Taller than your average joe (six foot four inches)
WEIGHT:  On the slender side of average (167 pounds)
BODY TYPE:  I'm definitely on the skinnier side of the average scale, but I'm definitely not bean pole thin.  Just thin enough that I can rock a slim fitting suit but buff enough not to look like I'm snap on impact.

THE PRETTY:  I'm charming, smart, sexy, and witty.  What could be better than that?
THE NEUTRAL:  Egotistical, snarky, stiff, edgy, rough, tough, and indifferent.  Some people think these should be shifted down to "The Ugly" section, but I beg to differ.  This is usually where I'm at.  I'm one of those bad boys with a bad boy personality.  Dreams can't resist me.
THE UGLY:  Cold, calculating, unattached, remorseless, and trouble-some.  Those five are a deadly combination.  I rarely care what people think nor do I care about the consequences.  I do what I want when I want so long as it isn't boring or totally lame.

Equipment / Abilities
WEAPONS:  My own body.  I prefer to use my bones, especially my rips or my arm bones.  Spine is cool every now and again, but it's a bitch to put back in place.  I also like extending my arms to freakishly long lengths - my veins stay in tact, though.
MAGICAL SKILL(S):  Body and Bone Manipulation || This means that I have the ability to contort my body, at will.  I can remove my limbs as well as my bones, using them to fight and defend with.  Oh, my head can pop off, too.  Just rolls right off, but I can put it right back on.  Like I said, I can remove ANY part of my body and attach it later.
LIMITATIONS:  Fatigue.  Doing any of that stuff tires me right out.  Also, if I overuse my powers, I can have a hard time getting my body to return to its natural state.  On the off chance I break a bone... well, that's problematic, too.  My body is always under a tone of strain when using my bones to fight, especially when I make them protrude out of my body and act like spikes.  My insomnia also plays a huge toll on my body, too.
PHYSICAL SKILLS:  I've always been skilled when it comes to weapons.  Ever since I was a wee little lad, I was fixated on them.  But, to me, they were nothing more than an extension of my body and a limitation to my mind.  Alongside being keen with weapons, I also took a liking to thinking and calculating.  Chess is still my favorite game.

HUMAN LIFE:  Prior to being gifted with magical powers, I was a homeboy.  I was running with a group of lowlifes, terrorizing the place.  Although, my parents soon put a stop to it and sent me to a strict Catholic school.  Let's just say, I stopped misbehaving and eventually convinced them to move me back into a public school.  I ended up having the second highest grades in my class and even ran for Student Council President (and won).  So I went from being a little prick to Mr. Popularity.  Apparently, after the magical change, I reverted back to my darker days.  Heh.  Who cares?  I'm still as charming and cool as I was when I was a high schooler.
RESIDENCE:  I don't really sleep much.  So I thought having a home was pointless.  I just wander about.
HISTORY WITH OTHERS:  I'm really more of a loner.  I don't really have a history with others.


MY SECRET:  I have a bit of a criminal record.  I'm monitored more than I probably should be, but whatever.  What can they do about it?
MY MOTIVATION:  I don't really have a motivation.  I just... keep going.  I can't sleep and, because I can't sleep, I just have to keep finding ways to distract my mind, body, and soul.
MY LIFE'S MISSION:  To be a secret agent.  Would be so badass.  I actually just finished the testing and I - ahem - should have been assigned to an agency as a legit agent, but that, obviously, didn't happen.  Oh well, I'll still James Bond it up in style.  Shades, please.