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Frost Victorium Hukaru

Roleplay: "Private RP!--Floyd's forest"

Player: (none)

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Orphaned

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"Once the fog grabs you, the chance of escape is thrown away, and you shall fall into the cold void of death..."


Name: Frost Victorium Hukaru

Age: Unknown (Has been stranded on Earth for too long of a time). Going by Earth’s measure of Time, roughly 16 years old.

Height: About 6 Foot 2 Inches

Weight: 196 lbs.

Hair: Frost’s hair is black, with blue highlights in the middle spreading out through each of the strands.

Eyes: Depends. Normally, they are a shade of cyan. When he is fighting, they change to a lighter shade of cyan When he tastes blood, (From an unfortunate accident with a friend) he becomes enraged, which is why he shys away from blood quickly. When he is enraged, his physical and magical strength is multiplied, depending on the amount of blood. His “Evil” personality usually surfaces then.

Appearance: Frost wears a long, dark blue trench coat, magically enhanced to completely nullify any magical attack that would normally be lethal. It’s properties have to recharge over short period of time. He has a black tank top under it, and wears slightly faded black jeans. He has a ring on his left ring finger which is used for mulitple purposes, such as opening a vortex to his castle. He has 3 earrings in his right ear, all have a cross with Stygian laced into their outlines. He is fairly well-built, yet much stronger than he appears. He is considered “Super Human” for him being able to easily lift a few tons, being able to jump very high, and speed that is almost unnoticable.


Personality: Frost’s personality is somewhat diverse. It can be playful and joking one minute, then be emotionless and cruel. Whenever he fights someone, sparring or not, he jokes around with his opponents by using his weakest attacks to gauge them. If he already knows them, depending on the person, he may or may not go full out right off the bat.

Equipment / Abilities

Weapon: Banshee: Banshee is his primary weapon. Banshee is a 6 foot long shaft, with a 3 1/2 foot long blade. The blade is serrated with obsidian shards, evenly cut. the blade is surrounded with a chemical coating called Stygian, which is added whenever he uses his ice magic. The Stygian, refered to as Stygian Ice in his attacks, cannot be melted. It completely reverses the combustion process, rendering explosives, and fire, useless. Banshee can do many things. being a moderately new weapon, Frost using dual Chakrams coated with Stygian Ice as his other weapon before they were used to recraft Banshee. Frost doesn’t know everything about Banshee at the moment, and is fighting people, or at least sparring, to unlock it’s true powers. For instance, Banshee, as its name gives, can emit a powerful sound wave, strong enough to destroy a human’s earlobe, and render then deaf. Another feature is its ability to change shape. It can be remodeled into almost any other weapon shape, the weapon’s materials changing to suit the weapon. (Let’s say, it changed into a long sword. the shaft would shorten to become the handle and hilt, and the Stygian to become the blade. The obsidian would wrap around the blade’s sides, to make the edge jagged.)



Frost has almost no noticable background, besides from his ability to control the chemical in his body "Stygian" and add it into the air for is "ice" based attacks.
