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Grey Shaltzin and Ash Shaltzin

Roleplay: "Private RP!--Floyd's forest"

Player: (none)

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Orphaned

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"Who is who? Can you tell?"

Both Grey and Ash have light blue hair, and pale skin. The only way to tell the difference between the two, is either their eyes (Ash has slightly darker eyes than Grey), or the simpler way of looking at their hair. Ash has slightly longer hair than Grey. They both dress the same, they both pretty much look the same, through and through.

Ash and Grey both have very strange personalities. They're always seen together, and don't really talk with others, unless a special circumstance pops up. They are rather cold to others, and, if ever, they be separated, they will walk towards each other, regardless of distance. Both Ash and Grey are intelligent, as when they are together, their minds can be one, and their IQ can be added together.

Ash is the more serious of the two, and Grey is more relaxed.

Equipment / Abilities
They have no fighting experience, no weapons training. They only tool they have at their disposal is their intelligence.

Ash and Grey have always been together. They were sent to a private school in London when they started elementary school, and continued going to private schools through out their lives. Ash and Grey have never been separated, as, in their words, "Must be together to function without problems." They were considered loners at the schools, sitting away in the shade, talking about how the day is going, making small talk to each other. 
