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Micah Kasugu

Roleplay: "Thanks for being born"

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A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.

Birth Name:  Micah Rosen

Nickname:  Mic, Mi

Sibilings: Anzu Rosen-Ulyrich, his twin sister

Years of Life: 18

Height: 5’1 1/2”

Weight: 120 lbs

Eye color:  Golden

Hair color:  Black

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pan-sexual

Scars/Piercings/Tattoos: Has scars all over his body from the various fights he has been in. Tattoo on his back.

+ Likes:  Spending time with his Twin, spy work, the dark, and art work
Dislikes: being called short names, and other various things
+ Theme Song:  Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
+ Sounds like: [LEON] Romeo & Cinderella [VOCALOID]
+ Personal Quote:  Everything is born from the darkness, and everything shall go back into the darkness.
+ Favorite Time of the Day: Night time of course.

Constantly cryptic, and a sadist at heart. He tends to be ruthless, mercifuless, and cold. Never opens up to anyone, and could honestly careless. Something in his past caused him to be like this but that doesn't matter now does it? Secretly though, he is actually a nice, decent man deep down inside, you could say that he is much like his sister in some ways.

Equipment / Abilities

He can always be seen with a camera, he loves to take photos of everything, unlike his sister he can not draw or play any type of music, he can't even sing so she got the best luck there. Though like her, he does have extreme fighting abilities, he also is very gifted in tennis, it is like the only other relaxing thing that he does besides taking photos.


Born on May 10 to two loving parents (Alyssa Ulyrich and Reichiro Kasuga), along with a twin sister named Anzu. Thier mother was an affluent German who had moved to Japan seeking work. Thier father was a finance accountant at a large Japanese firm in Tokyo. The two met, dated, and got married in the course of four years. Micah however was not lucky enough to be taken home by his parents, instead his father had promised the yakuza his first born son to pay back some debates he owed them, which the graciously accepted since they could never have to many members raised up with in the yakuza. So with that he was raised up with the yakuza leader's son.


Unlike the Yakuza Leader's son, he had gone to public schools, kept away from the older male when he was old enough to learn how to fight and use weapons, having started at an early age to protect his childhood friend. Durring school he had signed up for the tennis team, seeing as it was the closes thing to practicing with a sword at school as he can get with out joinging the team, seeing as he would have probably killed them. He then figured out that he actually liked tennis and because of his early training with the fighting styles and learning to fight with various weapons that he had what seemed to be a natrual knack for it.


Soon after he had gotten into high school, he discovered photography, which ended up being something that he really loved to do though he could never really keep up with it or presue it as a career. Seeing as he then dropped out of high school to follow his childhood friend around, to protect him from people who wished him harm, having to deal with other yakuza memebers as well, some he never got along with others he did, he even dated a few but that is a different story for another time. His father then got into some trouble with his foster family, that is when he found out who his real dad was and that he had a twin sister. With knowing all this new information, from his father not being able to keep his mouth shut when he saw him, since he was there at the time to help keep him in line, well he had to natrually go off to met her and get to know his real family.....boy is he in for a surprise.......





7:00 am - 7:45am: Break Fast
Period 1(7:55am - 8:35am): Algebra 1
Period 2(8:45am - 9:20am): Music/Dance
Period 3(9:30am - 10:10am): World History
Period 4(10:20am - 11:05am): Photography
11:05am - 12:05pm: Lunch and Free Time
Period 5(12:15pm - 12:50pm): Gym
Period 6(1:00pm - 1:40pm): Earth Science
Period 7(1:50pm - 2:30pm): Intro to Literature
2:30pm - 4:50pm: Free Time
5:00pm - 6:30pm: Dinner
6:30 - 9:50: Free Time