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Roleplay: "predatory ● instincts"

Player: Xavirne

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I am but a simple woman living in a complex world that is, in truth, not all that complex.


Please, call me Xiaolian.  I am nothing more than a simple girl with a simple life.  My looks are mediocre, at best, and I don't really have much going for me.  As I said before, I'm just simple.

Name:  O-Huang Sun
Code Name:  Xiaolian
Alliance:  The Agency
Title:  Field Agent for Team B
Age:  Twenty-seven and February 21
Sex:  Female
Orientation:  Unknown
Relationship Status:  Single
Height:  Five foot seven inches
Weight:  140 pounds
Body Type:  Thin yet muscular
Hair:  Chocolate brown
Eyes:  Very pale green
Other:  Has a scar that runs across her chest.

My favorite color is pale green.  I've always been a fan of pastels and white.  I'm not quite sure why, though.

As far as my likes go, I really haven't much to list.  I enjoy being outside and I also enjoy living a simple life.  I like doing chores and I enjoy hard labor.  I have been told I'm very good when it comes to knowing my stuff, especially if it's related to wildlife and wild plants.  With regard to my dislikes, I really don't like anything over complicated.  I prefer simple tools over complex machines.  I also dislike people that can't see the beauty in the finer things in life.

She's a very down-to-earth woman with a genuine sense of justice.  Xiaolian believes in peace and prosperity as well as universal truths and happiness.  Never being one to sport a frown or scowl, people have been heard to say that Xiaolian doesn't really have much emotions to display as she is often seems with a contempt expression - nothing more or nothing less.  Her will and might far surpass that of anyone on record and her belief in good will trump over evil is almost too naive.  Nonetheless, her simplicity and ability to see all things as they truly are offers her a special place within the agency.

Equipment / Abilities
I haven't much to offer my fellow agents but I like to think, with time, I will blossom into something more.

Mecha:  N/A
Gems:  N/A
Weapon of Choice:  Sword and shield
Equipment:  Nothing.  She claims that she can, "Get all she needs from nature."
Abilities:  Excellent fisher, cook, and medic.  She's stilled with sword fighting as well as defending with a shield.  Her knowledge of nature is impeccable and her ability to hide within the woods is dead-on.  She's also an excellent singer.
Skills Lacking:  Confidence.  She has no faith in herself and, because of this, she is always doubting herself.  She also has a very hard time committing to things.  Xiaolian also has a tendency to over-simplify things and isn't the brightest when it comes to anything that falls outside the line of fighting or nature.  She's got a bad habit of repeating herself, too.

As I pointed out previously, I live a very simple life.  My father is a farm worker and my mother is a nanny.  Neither have an education, which is why my parents never stressed getting one for my sister or I.  Since I brought up my sister, Agent Luli, I suppose I ought to touch on our relationship some.  She is, without a doubt, my better half.  She is everything I wish I could be - strong, beautiful, wise, and spiritual.  She never has a bad thing to say about anyone and she is always so happy and full of life.  She's my inspiration and my best friend.

When I was finally old enough to take up a real job, I worked as a maid and cook for some rich governor.  To my luck, my sister also worked for him, although... she never told me what she did.

Anyway, when the agency came to our house, they wanted to take my sister.  Luli struck up a deal with them.  They could have both her and I or they could have neither.  They, of course, agreed to her terms and brought me in, too.

Dreaming and the future are things I don't think much about.  I guess, if I had to pick something, I would like to settle down and help my sister raise a family.  She wants a big family.  I don't want anything or anyone.  I just want to see her stay happy.

Now that I think about it, I guess you could call me my sister's protector.  She's the offense while I serve as her defense.  We make quite the team, if I do say so myself.

    10 - Stamina
    9 - Reflexes
    8 - Willpower
    7 - Strength
    6 - Luck
    5 - Perception
    4 - Compatibility
    3 - Charisma
    2 - Wits
    1 - Intellect
