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Roleplay: "To Live Happily Ever After"

Player: veriloquent.

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Prince Charming / 18 / Senior / The Princes


Disney Counterpart: 

Prince Charming.
"I could be your prince charming tonight."

Full Name: 

Anrew Beaumont
"Only grandmere calls me 'Andrew.'"


Andy. Drew. Beaumont.
"Or you can just call me lucky fifteen—that's my jersey." 

Age and Birthday:

18 ; May 25th.
"High-heels, sexy lingerie, and—oh, no, not for me. For you."


"I have the parts to prove it too—wanna see?"


Straight, probably.
"My type? Double D's."

Where are you From?: 

"Bonjour mon cherie, ca va bien, oui?"



Blonde, with long bangs.
"All natural."


"I have tiger eyes, rawr."


Six Feet, Two Inches.
"I am the forward."


One Hundred and Forty.
"All muscle, baby."


Fit & Athletic.
"What'd you expect? I'm a basketball player."


Two piercings, one on each ear.
"The team got it as a group thing. I got it 'coz it looks sexy."

Personality Description:

"You wanna talk? Alright, let's talk. Let's talk about me."

Wealth is a curious thing that turns good men into wicked creatures, strong women into simpering fools, and innocent children into hollowed shells. Those who are born into the arms of luxury never see the world; they never know the stone of hunger that sits in the stomach of the less fortunate, the draft of cold against skin, and the driving envy that spurs hatred into the have-nots.  Those who have everything understand nothing, but the scope of their wealth and Andrew Beaumont, the child of golden riches, is no great exception.

Andrew Beaumont is the walking definition of conceited, spoiled, and elitism. He's the product of too much wealth and not enough discipline. With equally self-absorbed parents (who's priorities seem misaligned), Andy, from the day he was born, was, more or less, left to his own devices—something he, honestly, doesn't mind. Free to do as he pleases, Andy spent his days lounging by the pool, sipping delightfully colorful concoctions while his servants scrambled to meet his every demand—careful to never cross the young heir. 

He's smart—cunning, really—and is unafraid of stepping on a few toes to get what he wants, when he wants.  

Having always gotten whatever he wanted—be it toys, cars, or girls—Andy has grown accustomed to simply having things thrown at his feet. He doesn't understand the value of things or people (evident in the way he treats his ex-girlfriends) and, to be frank, he doesn't seem to care. After all, he has money and, if he's learned anything, people will always gravitate towards money. 



Fast cars, cute girls, and attention—he loves attention.
Poor people, morally-uptight people, and mustard. 

Equipment / Abilities
Clothing Style: 

He's dressed to impress—always. 
"I'm a catch no matter what I wear or don't wear." 

General Clique:

The Princes
"Do you even have to ask?"


Basketball, pool, drinking, and partying. 
"I could be doing you."


Short skirts, long legs, and...
"I like a lot of things. For instance, those heels on you."

"Want to meet my parents? Don't we all?"

Life for Andrew Beaumont is like putting a car into cruise-control—easy and effortless. And, like the allegorical car, Andy's life was a lavishly decorated existence. He woke up with breakfast prepared and a bath pulled and readied. He went to school in a car worth more than the homes of middle-class America. And he slept in the softness of Egyptian silk—a luxury he doesn't even register. 

Pampered from head to toe by his parents' success, Andy has never been denied anything. He's had everything he has ever wanted (there was nothing daddy's platinum card couldn't buy) and there has never been anything outside of his reach. Absolutely nothing. 

Until, of course, grandmere and grandpere came to visit. Aghast by the state of Andy's existence (which was nothing more than the most superficial of objects), they ordered the young heir to straighten up or they would do it for him. Cut off from the vault of gold, Andy was forced to get a job (which he still hasn't done and adamantly refuses to do) and learn the value of the things (and people) he throws around. 

"One day, you'll find something worth more than all the money in your pockets," his grandmere had admonished as she hung up on her son—reprimanding him for having allowed his only child to fall into such disrepairs. "And, when you do, I want to you remember: Money isn't everything, Andrew." 

But it'll definitely take more than a few temporary punishments to bring someone like Andrew Beaumont around. 

7:00 am - 7:45am: Break Fast
Period 1(7:55am - 8:35am): World Lit
Period 2(8:45am - 9:20am): Gym/First Aid
Period 3(9:30am - 10:10am): Health Care
Period 4(10:20am - 11:05am): Business
11:05am - 12:05pm: Lunch and Free Time
Period 5(12:15pm - 12:50pm): Photography
Period 6(1:00pm - 1:40pm): Theater
Period 7(1:50pm - 2:30pm): AP History
2:30pm - 4:50pm: Free Time
5:00pm - 6:30pm: Dinner
6:30 - 9:50: Free Time
(You must be in your dorm rooms by ten.)