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Kaiba J. Crest

Roleplay: "ISOS_Xavi"

Player: Xavirne

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"Why do I even bother..."


My Age: 24
My Height: 6’5½”
My Weight: 143 lbs
My Eye Color: Sapphire
My Hair Color: Dark brown
My Piercing(s): None
My Tattoo(s): None
My Sexuality: Bisexual
My Species(s): Elemental
My Element(s): Lightning

First off, I’m a narcissist. Second, I’m a deeply depressed hopeless romantic. I might be a dismal speck in this place we called life, but I can assure you, if it weren’t for me, you’d not have what you have. That’s right, I own my own company. That company? Well, it’s the one responsible for telecommunications and some of the finest scientists and their experiments. Another huge thing about me is that I will do anything for my friends, especially Rroy (he's my crush).

Equipment / Abilities

People always say that they’ve lived the hard life, but no one really has. I have, though, nothing ever went right, and just my name alone was bad luck. So, if you think your life is tough, well then no need to get to know my past. However, if you think you would like to compare yours to mine go right on ahead. You will learn about every event that helped shape the man I’ve become. I mean have you ever had your parents hate you so much they tried to kill you day and night? I bet not. How about losing your little brother because of yourself, have you ever had that happen? As you can see, my life did not start off to great, and never seemed to lighten up and get better. I’ve always been hated, and I always will be… I learned to face that fact and fight it. I am living proof that life is hell to some. So what’s your choice… will you listen or leave?

My Biggest Fear(s): I’m not really a fan of fire and I don’t really like getting yelled at by Rroy. I should also add I'm not really a fan of smoke and girls that remind me of... yeah.
My Current Obsession(s): Drinking, drugs, Rroy, hot girls, and lightning

Other: I have a bad lung, so I can only do so much before I have to quit. But don’t let that fool you, I like to fight until the very end. Some other things about me… I’m suicidal. Heh, who’d have guessed? Depressed, into drugs, a drinker, and a murderer. Yup, I’m a singer and a CEO with a bad rep and an even worse temper.