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Morpheus Vicktor

Roleplay: "Yokai Academy"

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The Forgotten prince Of The Vastime Death Plains.


A tall man that stands at 6'7 who has a Old complextion to his young body,His Eyes Mimic those of a Wolf a Light gray in the center with a pale blue,His face consist of a Jagged scare that extends farther down his body starting at his under his eye ending from his rig cage from a battle him and his father had,His body is a well toned from his time as a Grey dragon watchman (Druidic) His Hands are rough from the tight grip he holds on His Blade That sits along his side,Across his chess is a Scared body from the Chest down.



He is a dreamer or was,HE holds a grim personality to the war that he ounce saw In the middest of battle,He ounce held his family dear but due to complacations have shunned him from his home After He Murdered His Father In a Battle For The Thone.Thoughtout Life He Has a Grim Personality When on the Inside He burns To be Forgiven.



Equipment / Abilities

 The Man Has The Birth right To Manifest Darkness into a Controlable Substance Like A crow But As it manifest it Permantly Stains Who eevr it touches With a venom of the Vastime Under World,He perfers to Have it as His Blade "Dercepta".But to add on to His Ability with darkness he also focus on the Earth it's self as a Druid of the GreyDragon clan Therefor He has EXTENSIVE training in the elements and Healing.The man does not reveal His Full Ablilty Simply Because It changes him but with the small bit of Human he has in him it does not effect him as it would a normal "Human".



He is the 5th Bloodline of the Vicktor,Born into the Grey Dragon Clan (Druid) He was the heir to the Throne of Vastime UnderWorld,His Master and Long time firend is Drugo.As a child he Learned Begin to Manifest what lived inside of him Only refered to as "Darkness" But as time Past he begin to ntoice his Father mind slowly slip away from the Old Ways this.His father feared of losing the throne to his son Simply because his mother was a Lycan therefor he was a half Breed to many a Mutt if you say.When he reached his 16th Birthday his father had tried to assassinate hime by means of Swords...Atleast he had some Honor But His father failed which ended him him being Decapated.He was Banshed from The Vastime Underworld but as he was sent into The Surface world He Begin to notice the That This world is no better then his own.As he reached 18 though he became Wiser to these diffant types of "Humans" Like killers or "Civilans".It has been 3,128 years he has been on this World But He Still Looks 20 due to the His bloodline.
