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Varick Bourdet

Roleplay: "Every Lesson Forms a New Scar"

Player: a91nicole

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Rynn's deceased husband, a former La'Ronk knight who fell in love with the heroine of fire.


Strong, loving, protective- everything a knight and husband should have been. Understood Rynn's strength and embraced it, helped her adapt to a normal life, was the type to enjoy questing as much as she did, but he also wanted a family. Very intelligent, and not afraid to die for his beliefs.

Equipment / Abilities

He grew up in the capitol, and trained to be a knight. He went up through the ranks well, though the more he knew about the La'Ronk regime, the less he supported it. As rumors of the heroes spread, Varick quickly allied himself with the heroes, though he told no one. He purposefully gave his regiment incorrect whereabouts to always make them just a little late to where the heroes were located. Once things truly began to heat up, Varick stepped down- he claimed he was becoming ill and unable to continue his position. The La'Ronk allowed it, but Varick still chose to go into hiding. He assisted the heroes with information towards the end of their quest, though never let himself be known. The heroine of fire struck him particularly, as she had the same knightly beliefs as himself. 

He pushed the thought aside, however, and never spoke to the heroes directly. After their mission, Varick encountered Rynn in a tavern in one of the cities she was traveling through. Sharing an ale, the two truly bonded and quested together. At the end of their quest, their love was no longer able to be denied, and he proposed to her. A few months later they wed and began their happily ever after.

Two-Three years into the marriage, Varick was discovered by his former commanders as having been a force that had made them lose the war. They were also less than pleased to discover whom he'd wedded. In the black market, Varick's former commanders put a hit out on him. They knew that no normal individual could kill him, not when he was wed to the heroine of fire. A few of Void's devout followers left alive caught wind of the hit. Seeing an oppurtunity to make money and strike a terrible blow at one of the heroes, they planned his murder. The plan was successful, and Varick was drowned by a still unknown spell or force one afternoon. 

This bio is mostly for reference on Varick and Rynn's relationship.