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Kazuki Ferance

Roleplay: "Clone Warehouse"

Player: Schizophrenic

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The older Ferance brother, a man who's serious nature will lead him to power.

There is no knowledge that is not power

Age : 23
Eye Color : Dark Olive
Hair Color : Ash Grey

"I feel most people leave a lot to be desired..." He spoke casually, his deep but somehow eloquent voice clearly showing his advanced education. His entire office was pristine, all surfaces were clean, every stack of paperwork organized... not a single piece of parchment out of line. "I myself set the bar so high... it's hard for anyone else to keep up." Lacing his fingers together he gave a light smile, his narrow eyes clearly believing every confident word he spoke.

Reaching into the left hand drawer of his desk he pulled out the folder marked with merely a symbol. Opening it, you could see it was a catalog of his assassins. Placing his finger on the first photo he tapped to draw attention to the face in the image. "You see, I am not some dog... I do not take orders..." The room fell silent, his eyes drifting off somewhere, but cloaked behind the desk lamp shining off his frames. "...unless it is my father, of course." Licking his lips he quickly closed up the folder and slid it back into place before closing the drawer.

"But that won't last forever will it?" Leaning back in his large office chair, he crossed one of his long legs over the other in a slightly feminine way. "My brother? Oh, he has simply no chance!" It was then a bellow of laughter erupted from the man, the idea apparently so amusing it practically brought him to tears. As he took off his glasses to rub his finger under his eyes he sighed, clearly amused by the thought. "A boy like that..."

His features suddenly dropped as he shot a look across his desk at a framed photo, "...is weak!" In moments, he snatched up the frame, stood up and threw it as hard as he could against the nearby wall of his office. Watching the glass shatter, his heavy breath was all that was heard. Clearly, this man had a short temper. Pushing a few stray strands of hair out of his face, he slid his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose.

Taking a seat once again he offered another smile, similar to the one before but slightly off putting. "I believe we are done here..."

Equipment / Abilities

