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Finn Stewart

Roleplay: "Come Morning Light"

Player: HangingHarpy

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Addicted to Alters, but still trying to fight for the good.


Age: 23

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120lbs

Hair Color: Blue-black

Eye Color: Bright Blue

Alliance: New Dawn

More than anything, Finn is loyal to those around her. She is strong and independent and often feels that rules are restrictions and doesn't aim to follow them. She is generally friendly, although slow to forgive. Because she is passionate, Finn often lets things fly that she doesn't mean. Stubborn, she almost will never apologize in an argument.

Equipment / Abilities
  • Compound Bow
  •  2 Side Arms
  • a dagger


  • Keener Sight (Long Distance)
  • Hearing (up to 2 miles)
  • Speed, Strength, Agility
  • Defense (an ability to see and almost predict a person's movements)
  • Beauty (eyes, higher cheekbones)

Born to an upperclass working family in London, Finn had most things going for her in life. She worked through University at Cambridge as a bar tender. However, after graduating she never did anything with her degree, instead, Finn rotted at home, often walking through the streets of London through the night.

Since the appearance of Alters, Finn's entire family has become High Rites. Except her. This, however, has not come without a price. The conversion was slow. At first, it was just the basics, strength, agility, and hearing. Then came the beauty modifications. Eyes, higher cheekbones, higher defense. And she was addicted. Every time Finn had an alter, it would make her feel loved, accepted. In an attempt to keep herself from becoming a High Rite, Finn packed up her things and left. Since then, she's been living in a cramped flat, working as a online tech guru/hacker.
