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Tinklington "Tink" Sator

Roleplay: "The Quest (Story)"

Player: desuHAX0R

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The boy who can make anything you desire...


Tink has shaggy brown hair that he rarely combs. In fact, if not for the fact that he occasionally sets it on fire, he would hardly be aware that he has hair. He has bright, intelligent green eyes and he has pale skin that lacks the touch of the sun. 

He likes to sport what he considers the "Modern Victorian Look". He wears a button up shirt with french cuffs that he often wears rolled up to just below his elbows. He wears a tie for a touch of class and elegance along with a matching vest where he keeps a pocket watch. He wears fitted but comfortable pants for ease of movement and general laboratory protection. On his head, he is rarely without his headphones and his goggles- for practical purposes, of course. One needs to be aware of eye safety when welding and shaping metal. (Also, the dreaded Day Star is so bright for one who spends so many hours indoors.) And one needs to listen to music while working to keep motivated.

He is very smart often using this intelligence with his razor sharp wit. He is a bit of a know it all- with an answer for nearly everything, except for women, which he finds utterly baffling due to the fact that he does not get much time around them. However, he likes girls and aspires to be around them and be useful to them. However, he tends to be a bit touchy-feely, often assaulting people with huge bear hugs for little reason. There is rarely a time that one sees him without a smile on his face.

Tink's great joy in life is creating things and invention. He is very serious about his work and tends to be a perfectionist. But his greatest joy is seeing the finished work in the hands of someone who appreciates it. He often tinkers for others, creating both useful and ornate objects.

He enjoys the band Vernian Process and other bands of that ilk that harken back to the peaceful age with a steampunk flare. However, like many who enjoy building things, he enjoys Daft Punk, though that is a guilty pleasure he keeps to himself so as not to ruin his carefully cultivated image of Victorian Elegance.

Equipment / Abilities
  • His goggles are a necessity.
  • He listens to his eyepod through his headset.
  • He brings his tools with him everywhere through a universal storage cube he made where you can hold an infinite amount of things in a small cube.

Born to parents who gave him the unfortunate (though appropriate) name Tinklington. From a very young age, he preferred to go by Tink- while not much better than Tinklington, it was at least shorter. He has three older brothers with equally unfortunate names: Minty, Formica and Wuthers. He also has a pair of younger brother, Marion and Ashley. His mother died giving birth to the twins. And unfortunately died thinking she was finally having girls. Their father, wanting to treasure her memory, named them after names they had discussed.

So, The Sator Family was a ripe with men. Lacking the feminine touch, the Sator's quickly became a haven of all things male. That is not to say they were unrefined. Quite the opposite really. They went above and beyond, becoming obsessed with Honor and Chivalry in honor of their mother's memory. 

In the course of his childhood, it became very apparent that Tinklington was incredibly smart. He had a mind that quickly absorbed facts, knowledge, lessons, diagrams, mathematics...anything he put in front of himself. He decided to apply all of this knowledge to creating things. And it turned out, he was really good at it. At the age of 11 he invented his first weapon...a non-lethal gun that paralyzed the target without causing pain or suffering. (He knows because he tested it on himself.) He quickly built on this first success and continued to create weapons in this vein. Useful, non-lethal, humane weapons. Polite weapons if you will. When he got bored of creating these sort of things, he moved onto something else. He decided to delve deeper into physics. It was during this time that he developed the universal storage cube. A secret he holds close to his chest as to how he did it.

As he became older, he veered away from making only non-lethal weapons (though he prefers them) and started making more lethal weaponry. He does so in the hopes of overthrowing the oppressive ruler Deviliculitus.
