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Terra Tweedle "Dee"

Roleplay: "Wonderland Storybook"

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A mercenary of no one. Give me a deal and we'll talk about it.

Terra has long white hair that she lets get tangled up and messy. An antenna stands straight up on her head, and she tries to keep it down, but it keeps coming up despite all her troubles. She constantly thinks of getting it cut off, seeing as it keeps getting in her way, but she forgets because her twin makes her do something and she gets caught up in doing it instead. Standing at five foot three inches tall, she weighs one hundred and three pounds- most of it muscle. Her whole body is toned for fighting, her upper body and lower leg more muscular then the rest of her body.

Her facial features are softened, round cheeks and walnut shaped eyes. Her eye color ranges by how she is feeling or what she's wearing. Her eyes can be red one moment and blue the next. Her eyebrows communicate most of her emotions, raising and falling as she speaks. 

She gives off the presence of a cute little girl any other day when she's in a good mood. Calm and collected. When she's in battle though, she radiates confidence and her eyes are always narrowed

She wears usual girl clothes, wearing mostly skirts and dresses. She loves wearing light-weight, neutral colored clothes. She loves Lolita clothing, but likes to add a little bit of color to it. In battle though, she wears armor that is given to her by her employers. She prefers lightweight and comfortable- like her training armor that she wears while training with her twin. 

Terra is a very sweet girl. She is just like that little sister everyone wished they had- kind, adorable and she looks up to you admirably. She doesn't have any common sense though, when out of battle. She has to be told what to do at all times. She doesn't ever know what to do when someone tells her to something to keep herself entertained, so she just sits there and follows you around. She's like a little duckling

Terra loves her twin. Being the youngest, she looks up to them as if her life depended on it. She would do anything for her sibling, seeing as she has attachment issues. If she's left alone for a long time, she gets very upset and freaks out. When away from her twin, she attaches to her employer.

Unlike her every day self, Terra is an angry little girl in battle. She releases all her stress in a fight and she becomes a whirlwind of rage

Equipment / Abilities
Terra carries nothing on an everyday basis, but she has a hidden little blade in a hairpin she wears to keep back her bangs. It looks like a little bay leaf, but in reality, it is a sharp knife. Usually, when attacked out of battle, she doesn't need the blade. She knows about one thousand ways to kill a man, more then half of them without drawing any blood. 

In a battle, she is ruthless. She carries a long broad sword and with her balance, is almost unstoppable in fight. She knows many maneuvers that can harm someone or even kill them. 

Even though she loves to train and fight, Terra is a good seamstress, singer and painter. She likes to keep a little sewing kit near her at all times so she can fix little tears and rips in her clothing that she or her comrades may get in their clothes. 

Terra and her twin were born into a world where there was constant fighting. Their parents were fighters of the Ligante side, and they were left alone often, so Terra's older twin had taken care of her. Little did they know that their mother had a twin brother who was also a fighter, but for the Madness's side. One night, when the sibling's parents came home, they were greeted by him and without another word, they were killed. Terra's brother had been paid to kill them off. 
 After watching their parents die right in front of them, the children were taken in by their parent's killer. The kids had only watched them choke on their food- since it was poisoned. The young man- Keran was his name, tried to leave the place in which he was employed. They allowed him to go, on only one condition- that he would train the kids to fight for them. Keran didn't want the twins to fall into the life that he and his sister went into, so he agreed in a lie. Soon after, he staged their deaths. 
They moved to a cabin in a forest that was unnamed. People avoided it, so they were left alone. They trained on how to protect themselves and it was then when she developed her need to have orders at all times. She was told to do something and she did it, no matter what it was. This got her in trouble so many times. 
Her uncle began to offer his services again, confident that no one would ever find his niece and nephew and that he would not get hurt. Only soon, he feel ill and got killed when someone got into the cabin- by accident. 
Some kids decided that they would get drunk and go into the forest. They never regretted that mistake, seeing as they didn't live through it.
Once more, Terra and her twin were left as orphans, with one another to raise each other- offering their services to those who have the highest bid.

Favorite Color:
Gold and Teal

Her inability to not come up with orders herself
Attachment issues

Being left alone
Seeing someone close to her die
Being brainwashed

Wonderland Ancestor:
Tweedle Dee

Preferred Team:

None at the moment

