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Deryn "Dormouse" Minton

Roleplay: "Wonderland Storybook"

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"I'll protect her with my reason. I'll protect her from whatever you throw at her."


Pah! Are you trying to call me short? I know I stand at only 4 feet 6 inches, but I'm still able to get a decent shot at your face! 
What are you saying about my hair? I don't give a crap about it! Its short and silver! Not grey, you idiot! That's why I'm called Dormouse- because of my silver bedhead hair! I know Dormouse was my Grandfather's name, but I am his granddaughter, so I inherited the name. 
Yes, my eyes are green! Don't stare at me like that, but I know they change when I'm happy! They change to a silver- like my hair.
HEY! I'm not fat! I simply have broad shoulders and a bit of baby fat! So what? I know I am a bit overweight at 124 pounds, but most of it is muscle! My legs are toned from running and my upper body strength is better then most girls but that is from training! 

Don't talk about the way I dress! I know I wear a school girl's uniform most of the time, but its comfortable to run around in. Sometimes I like to wear shorts or jeans, but I hate things covering my lower legs. As for shoes or armor, I love to go without it. I mean, lightweight armor is okay when in battle, but shoes are just too much! The callouses on my feet will do. You will never see me without my gun holster or even the knife that is hidden under my skirt. 

NO! Don't check under there! I am a girl you know! And a smart one at that! I know how to kick you where the sun don't shine even though I am 17 years old.

I AM NOT SHORT TEMPERED! I am merely over-protective over what people say about me. Don't think I don't care about your opinions, but I really do. I may seem angry most of the time, but that is because you make fun of me. I can be nice if you give me a candy of some sort... I am very self-conscious about the fact that I am not like a normal girl, but, I have to protect Kaylee- you know? She is a bit crazy, so someone has to help her realize some things just can't work. I guess you could call me logical. 

Equipment / Abilities
I can fight with many different weapons such as a crossbow, knife, sword, guns and those thingies that fling stuff across battle fields. I just LOVE those things that fling stuff across fields... Don't make fun of me! I love destruction of the enemy...
Because I am the Doormouse, I can shrink my size to even smaller than I am now. But the main draw-back to that power is the fact that I can stay in that size for a good month afterwards! It SUCKS.

"Anything to protect Alice." was one of the last things my grandfather said to me. He died and then left me on my own. My parents had abandoned me when I was young, and I learned quickly that you must hold onto the ones that you love. My grandfather taught me everything from cooking and sewing to fighting and how to kill someone with your bare hands. He told me stories about the war, telling me things that he had done, or wish he had done, but hated the fact that he was so young and foolish. 

But now he's gone, and all that is left of my dysfunctional life was Kaylee. After that day he died, I had sworn to protect the girl, making sure that she would get what she wanted and try to help her as much as she could to reach her full and complete potential within reason. I had to learn skills to work with the girl- to be able to get her to understand reason. For a girl of the Ligente, she wasn't very rational. 

When she told me she wanted to start with war back up again and kill the Madness off once and for all, I have to say, I agreed with her. The Madness had killed my grandfather and now, I want revenge. But once I looked back at it after my decision to help her, I found it was not the best idea... No... Alice began to pick fights she didn't need to pick and lost quite a few, but won just as many. 

Maybe now I can bring the troubled girl back to her rightful place as Queen of Wonderland. Just maybe. 


Can't stand any comments on her height
Over-protective over friends
Though she's very masculine, she doesn't consider herself pretty, but very much wants to be so

Loosing friends
Becoming a boy
Being in completely closed off spaces (Claustrophobic)

You could say I may have a crush on Alice, thus making me bi-sexual.

Favorite color:

I am a follower of the Ligente for Alice's and my Grandfather's sake.