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Roleplay: "- - - - x Thirty Midnights x - - - -"

Player: AlexWolfsbane

Public,   Enabled,   Pending,   Owned

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Damion is a cold heartless person who cares for no one but himself.

He's not very tall, or muscular, but he is fast and witty. He has pale blond hair that almost apears white, that hangs a little past the shoulders. His eyes are a stormy grey that flash red when angered. The clothes he wears are all black and shows little skin.

He is very selfish and thinks he should get whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He walks around like he is better then everyone else and talks down to them. He gets easily offended if people disrespect him. He needs people to do his dirty work for him to be happy.

Equipment / Abilities
He is usually thought to be non-violent (he gets others to do it) but when he does have to fight, he uses his only power. He can control ice. It doesn't work in the day, or on humid nights.  But he doesn't always need to use it. He has the skill to persuade people to not get violent, though it doesn't work on making people do what he wants, which he thinks blows.

He was raised in a room with his mother until he was two, where he was moved into a windowless room. He was locked into his room during the day, and was only let out during the night. He rarely saw his father, and when he did, they didn't speak. He taught himself how to read, write and do other stuff normal kids can do. Plus others they couldn't.  He never had any friends because his fathers maid never let him off the property. He grew to like being alone and disliked anybody who disrupted his peace. His heart grew cold and emotionless, from the lack of innteraction with other people.

He's afraid to admit it, but whenever he is around women, he gets really nevous.