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Enya Kabalt

Roleplay: "A tale of a Mystic Castle"

Player: (none)

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Orphaned

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They called her a freak. An evil freak. You know what? She could live with that.

She has dark red hair and pale blue eyes, and is fair-skinned.  She is tall and slender.

At first glance she would seem like any kind of sweet young woman.  You wouldn't want to make this mistake.  Enya is a powerful witch, using her abilities to destroy or change things she finds not suiting to her.  Often times this means she harms things that don't deserve it.
She is generally misleadingly nice to people she meets, until they give her a reason not to be (this can be something subtle, so nobody is really safe.)

Equipment / Abilities
Summoning animals and controlling minds to a point.  It makes her weak so she tries not to do it unless she NEEDS to.
She is also skilled in general witchcraft, and can make powerful poisons and weapons, should the need arise.

Living in a small town far from the castle, she was driven out for her evil tendencies.  She fled to the castle and tries to conceal her evil there, not wanting to have to move again.
