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Dameon Novinski

Roleplay: "The School for Animal Children"

Player: (none)

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A bit on the silly side, Damron is sure to brighten up your day.



Dameon is 5 foot 8 inches tall with a normal body type. He has tones muscles, and pale skin, due to most of his time inside of the lab. He has a soft featured face, his eyes round and the color of chesnuts. His nose is slightly pointed and upturned, very much like a pixie's. His hair is a white color, and it is somewhat long, just an inch above the base of his neck. His ears are made up of a off-white color and is fluffy. His tail is the same color and of the same consistency, but it is a little bit short.

Never has he been ashamed of his cat like looks, so he doesn't bother to hide his ears and tail. It simply makes him uncomfortable, so he never cared how he looked.

He dresses in a very casual way almost all the time, but will dress according to a dress-code if need be. He's usually wears an unbuttoned button-down shirt and a plain colored T-shirt underneath and either blue or black jeans. He is always dressed for comfort, and only comfort.



Dameon is a very sweet guy, but you really don't want to get on his bad side. He's a bit temperamental when you mess with him, his stuff, or his friends. When he's in a good mood though, he is the kind of guy who will strike up a conversation with just about anyone and try to figure out the person. Sometimes, he is considered annoying, but he tries not to be.

He can also be that silly guy who is always smiling while he's in a good mood, but that is only when he's with his closer friends- which, are usually cats. He's very, very sweet to cats, and just as sweet to nekos just as well.

It is said that Dameon give second chances, but that is a lie. He can hold a grudge for quite a long time before finally forgiving someone.

Equipment / Abilities

Dameon is equipped with a digital camera, pencil, sketchbook and a laptop at almost all times. He keeps them all in a messenger bag that is always over his shoulder.



When Dameon was seven, he had his first interaction with an anthromorph. He was walking home from school and a car drove by, stopped near by and threw a box out the window and then sped off. He walked up tot he box and looked in to see a passed out neko child in the box. He was surprised that humans and animals could be turned into one organisim and then brought the neko home. The neko was a little girl with blond hair and blue ears. She had bruises all over her body, but as she grew older, they all faded away. Dameon's parents were very kind and had allowed the girl to be adopted to them, and she was now theirs. As the girl grew older, she grew attached to her rescuer and they did everything together. 

When he was 14, they went to the park together and they were stopped. A group of older adults had stopped them and then grabbed his adopted sister. They began to scream at him at why he hadn't been using her... Why she looked so human. This scared him as he was held back and they hurt her. When they disappeared, no one had done anything. They just left them there, alone. 

When someone did finally help them, Sabrina, the neko, was rushed to the hospital. She was nearly dead when she went in... And she never came out alive. Dameon was devastated. He screamed and cried and was pushed into this whirlpool of grief... 

And out of this grief, he offered himself for a genetic experiment. For 3 years of his life, he was put into this regimen of exercise and coordination training. By the time he was sixteen, he had full control of his new abilities... 

Only his memory was erased. No one knew it would happen, but it did. When the new genes had implanted themselves into his mind, they ate at his mind. He was in a coma for a week as this happened, the whole medical staff watching this strange interaction... The genes had implanted memories from the cat before and changed the whole perspective of the boy. 

The once quiet, shy kid was gone, and replacing it was an energetic, silly, lovable neko.

After a few months of tutoring and no interaction from the outside, the scientists had allowed him to go to school, and they sent him to the School for Animal Children...
