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Black Wolf

Roleplay: "Bangkok Wreck"

Player: Kijiro

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Warrior Vampire, sister to Kiry


medium height, slender build, she's typically in black leather of some sort though occasionally Kiry can talk her into a pair of jeans and a nice shirt. Even rarer is the occasionally skirt, that usually comes with much complaining. She's a fighter so she's got the muscular body. She's got golden brown hair and blue gray eyes


She's basically a bodyguard to Kiry. She's horribly protective of her sister, but has a soft spot that she tries to hide. Puppies and kittens are totally safe with her. Kids are a different story, she can't stand infants, little kids who can actually talk and reason and aren't to annoying she puts up with and even enjoys corrupting. She comes accross as a bad ass

Equipment / Abilities

