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Lovella Kamik - The Arctic Wolf

Roleplay: "Genus Majora"

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A calm and motherly woman who puts her heart and soul into all she does.


Wolf Form:
When shifted into a wolf, Ella's coat is as white as fresh snow.  Her paws are a tad larger than usual and her rump has a nice hump to it.  Her tail, though shorter than average, is bushy and full.  A nice pair of ears adore her skull and her bright yellow eyes are surrounded by a thick charcoal outline.

Human Form:
As a human, Ella has pale, snow-kissed hair and a nice set of silvery-blue eyes.  She's very slender, but she looks rather majestic.  Although she is not as toned as she would like, the few rolls of 'fat' that dot her stomach give her a very warm and approaching look.  Her luscious pink lips are often puckered and fresh.  Those icy eyes of hers tend to be coated in a lay of shimmering silver and black.

Ella is a very passionate woman.  Everything she does, she lives, breathes, and eats.  She never does anything without putting her soul into it.  She's extremely protective of herself and others, which is why gaining her trust is no easy feat.  But, once that trust is earned, you will have earned yourself a life-long friend.  Someone who will remember your life's details and someone who will always be there to help you, even if she disagrees with your point of view.  She's compassionate, empathetic, and understanding.  She has a genuine love for others and puts her family and friends above herself.  She believes that there is nothing more important than family, love, and friendship.

Equipment / Abilities
+ Ella is a singer.  Although she is not well-known, she has released a few albums.  All of them reflect the sounds of nature.  Her voice is usually passionate and soft, sounding almost flute-like.
+ Ella is currently employed as a maid for a wealthy family.  With this being said, it should be noted that she can not only cook and clean, but she can also sew, educate, and garden.
+ Ella can, obviously, shift into a wolf.

Ella's history is not all that exciting. She was the eldest of seven sisters.  Three of them were whole sisters, three more were half-sisters, and the last one was a step-sister.  Her father had married once, but lost his wife in a horrible accident.  He remarried to another woman who he later found out was cheating on him.  He later found a new love and is currently wed to her.  As you could guess, it was quite a hectic life.  She was always bouncing between mothers and she really learned to step up to the plate.  She was not just a sister, but she was also a mother and a guide for her father.

All in all, her childhood really helped shape her to become the woman she is today.  Had she not been surrounded by younger siblings, she might not have become as motherly is she is now.

Singing is one of her favorite hobbies.  As a wolf, she howls at the moon.  When a human, she sings before a fire.