What can we do, to make it easier for you to share your roleplays?
The instant OOC threads are unbelievably helpful and one of my favorite features, those alone do a wonderful job of spreading awareness to other users. But if you are talking about out of site sharing it's really something that can't really be improved in my eyes. It's not that hard for us to hotlink our own games, and others we are in and I've seen some pretty cool imagelinks that people have made. The only way I can say you could make this better was by making generic banners that were just very basic and followed the same design, it was just possible to change the text to say the title.

Whats the #1 reason your rp buddies won't join wtf?
They get overwhelmed and slightly intimidated. Like you said, WTFRPG is probably the most advanced roleplay engine around and that kind of standard gives my friends the "I don't think I'm good enough for this." kind of feel. I've explained that even though it is pretty advanced, it's easily accessed and understood by beginners! To me the site seems as friendly and inviting as it could be, but perhaps some more aesthetic changes? I know that may sound unnecessary but you'd be surprised how much that kind of first impression stuff makes a difference.

If we had a roleplay importer tool, which site(s) would you like to be able to import your roleplays from?
I am so in love with this site that I've completely dropped all other sites that I used to roleplay on but if I were to throw in my two cents... I've seen a lot of users on here that have been active or are still active on Gaia Online. Being so popular and having a pretty decent sized roleplaying community it would be a good choice to use for importing.

Would you like to be able to use your facebook account, for a quick login/signup?
Nah, I don't think that's necessary. I for one like to keep real life and my roleplay life separated for the most part.

Would you advertise wtf in your signatures? If not, why?
I wouldn't really want to be so open about it. I know this may seem crazy and selfish for wanting to keep this site all to myself but WTF is something I only share with people I know I would like to invite to this community. For right now, the users here are amazing... I haven't met one negative person on here and I'd like to keep that this way for as long as possible. Of course I want the site to grow because the more players the more activity and the more activity the more fun...but so far, the only people I have shared this site with are awesome roleplay partners of the past and good friends. I'm sure the day will come when the floodgates open and we will be swimming in all different types of users, so there is bound to be an elitist troll out of every couple hundred but I just love this place and the places I've been just have to many jerks who would want to ruin a good thing like WTFRPG. But if it really came down to it, and you were requesting us to avidly advertise on other sites I would do it.

Whats your favorite feature here? Is there anything we are missing that other sites already have?
Hmm... the character pool. The way the character creation is set up is fantastic! I love how organized everything is, how everything is explained and laid out so it's easy to understand and just jump right in!

Can we make it easier to start a rp? What about helping with ideas?
Categories. This is the only idea that I have seen on other websites that hasn't been executed here. Some people have genre preferences and it may be easier to look through roleplays when they are put into categories and sub categories as opposed to the current just lump of games we have now. Not to say people are lazy or anything but if you are EAGER to jump right into a University/Academy/School Life game that is presently active... it may be easier to just click on that category and look at it that way than sifting through EVERYTHING.

Would you like an off-topic forum? Can we do anything to make it more fun here?
We have the Shooting the Breeze forum that seems to do well enough in handling out of context totally random happenings. So far not too many people really use it that much so I don't think it's necessary to expand quite yet, it's doing a good job getting users to interact and make friends and just hang out.

Any other comments, opinions, complaints, praise?
This site is going in a great direction, and moving at a steady pace. The community is rich, and pleasant. You and Neko run this site amazingly and are always sure to answer all questions and help out with problems... the hands on nature that you guys have is really appreciated. The only complaint I could possibly think of is that there aren't enough hours in the day for me to loiter on this website. If you could only see the hours that I spend staring at this place! Thank you for creating this place~