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Unknown Island - Closed

After getting stranded in Unknown island do the humans still need to spend time on food, water, and shelter if there are "people" living there?......

Tags: action, cannibals, drama, horror, humans, romance, tragedy

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Open

Creator: kani

Created: 06-17-2012, 04:24 PM


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Thread: Unknown Island

  1. Characters in this post:
    Silently as possible Attka exits the bed of bones. trying her best not to make noise in case they where still a round.
    She continues to grip her gun tightly as she makes her way towards the door.

    "I'll check if the coast is clear..stay put for a minute." she said to most of them. Leo might follow, or he might not, either way he could take care of himself.

    She slowly made her way up the stairs, wincing if it makes a creaking noise. 'Please dont still be here.'

  2. Characters in this post:
    Leo caught up behind her, touching her shoulder lightly before pulling her back. "I know the saying goes, ladies first," he smiled. "But as a gentleman I'd have to break that code once, Attka-sama. Please, allow me."

    Without waiting for an answer, he moved past her and quietly walked ahead. With a cautious hand, he pushed the door open gently, unaware of the twist of his lips that had somehow crept to his face, his eyes lit, subconsciously burning for a fight to break.

  3. Characters in this post:
    A chill went down her back as Leo's hand touched her shoulder, His voice by her ear created a small blush to start creeping to her cheeks.

    'What was that?' she thought, quickly coming back to her senses she followed closely.

    As he opened the door she whispered a rushed "Leo...Be careful..". fixing her gun to fire, if necessary.

  4. Characters in this post:
    (pay no attention to this one....)

  5. Characters in this post:
    He pushed the door open and... nothing.

    "It's clear," he affirmed. "We shouldn't waste more time. We should carry out the plan as we had agreed." Leo climbed out the basement and scanned his surrounding. It was strange how they had not acknowledge the things he had brought to the house. But, there's also something different in the house.


    He carefully walked to the trap and disassembled it. "Be careful, things have just got a bit more complicated," he warned dryly, eyeing the remaining tricks surrounding them. "This would take some time."

  6. Characters in this post:
    (well damn! i gotta get off..in case I don't make it on tomorrow!!!!)

    As Attka was going up the stairs making sure she didn't fall behind Leo, one of the stairs, old as they where, broke. She fell down the stairs fast. Luckily she wasn't injured to bad, but she fell into unconsciousness, last thing she will remember seeing is Leo at the top of the stairs.

    ( LOL CARRY ME!!!...only if I don't make it back in time to play anyway. I pick up wherever.)

  7. Characters in this post:
    "Oh, dear."

    Leo slid down back into the room and examined the fallen girl. There were no major bruises aside from the impact to her head. He carried the girl up the stair and started towards the mattress, carefully making sure there were no traps attached. "Now, you wait here quietly, Attka-sama," he said to the unconscious girl, untangling the gun from her fingers and setting it beside her.

    He turned to the others. "You should go now, Michoco-sama. Please take care of the others and contact me instantly when you need help."

  8. Characters in this post:
    He stepped aside as the two people get out, anyway if they be eaten they can still have some time for them to run away as he thought, he may be selfish but the only one thing he thought was to stay alive him and his sister.

    After for a few seconds he heard a loud thud as he went out to check it making the left one’s inside to wait. He then saw the girl awhile ago was carrying by the butler and signal the rest to come out.

    “So what happened to her?”
    as honey went out while looking the girl and clinging to her brother.

    He then looked at the Jeremy and Honey “like the butler said we should go” as they went upstairs carefully and check if the cannibals are still there. Looking at the place seems empty as they went out “let’s go”

    He then looked at Jeremy and Honey “if something happens, just run as fast as you can okay?”

    Honey nods “Umm yes Onii-chan” she’s worried about her brother but if her brothers order her she’ll do it at any cost.

    Inside The Forest:

    Meanwhile the two cannibals are walking as they set the traps.

    “So brother did you see it?" as she followed the gray haired guy.

    “Yes” as he set the bear traps in the forest.

    “So why not kill them now?” as she pouts while playing the bandage she got.

    “It’s fun to play for them for now, having their hopes up and mind breaking down min by min” as he laughs evilly.

    “You really wanted to chase some rats…you never change” as she giggled creepily.

    “And also I want girls to be mine so don’t even touch them” as he looked at her.

    “Fine, Fine, just for my brother pleasure” as they went off to the other side.

  9. Characters in this post:
    Crap! Have I become a fancy protagonist of a Hollywood shit? Jeremy sighed as Michoco told them what to do. Well at least he (Michoco) would get the Best Actor Award. he rolled his eyes. Then he let Honey followed her brother closely and he tailed behind to make sure nothing creepy was after them. His palms were sweating due to restlessness. The teen nervously scanned the environment around them while they gingerly walked into the forest.

  10. Characters in this post:
    Now what am I supposed to do?

    Leo eyed the three ladies in front of him. Well, obviously, his priority is the Ojou-sama but that didn't mean he will neglect the other two damsels. If you could call Attka a damsel. She looked like someone who could take care of herself but, well, being unconscious there's really nothing she can do at the moment, was there?

    "Well, considering those people had already checked the cabin, I could say it's a fairly safe place for now, isn't it?" he suggested. Well, the place was loaded with weapon. And they had the upper hand by, well, being inside. It's better than having the girls running around in panic in the woods.

    Leo contemplated on what he could do. It really didn't feel right by just sitting here while the other three were risking their lives by going to the Cruise. Oh, maybe he could say hi to them! Leo turned on his transmitter and started calling the others. "Jeremy-sama, Jeremy-sama, do you read me?" He stayed silent for a moment before continuing. "I didn't really have anything to say. Just wanted to wish you a nice trip!"

    After he was done with that, Leo roamed the house to search for anything they could possibly use. Nothing, nothing, nothOh, what's that? Closing in on the object, he realized it was a book stuffed inside a dent in the wooden floor. He pulled out the broken wood and took out the hardcover book. Flicking open the first page, a smile curved on his face.

    "This is interesting."

  11. Characters in this post:
    The walkie talkie made some noise in his pocket, sending him a fright. That shitty butler! he cursed and took it out. Hearing the butler's nice wish, he really wanted to rush back to the wooden house and give him a nice punch. Of course he was not as strong as the butler. He lifted the walkie talkie to his face and spoke out, "Quit talking bullshit!" He hated the gentleman even more then.

    He followed the siblings but he felt strange, as if somebody was following them or peeking at them.

  12. Characters in this post:
    eyes flickered behind closed lids, A small moan of discomfort left Attka's lips.
    Her eye's tightened shut for a minute before slowly opening up. she looked blearily around the room, memories coming back slowly 'I really need to stop falling off of things...' she thought. All of a sudden she gasped. The memory of Leo at the top of the stairs came to mind, but she couldn't remember if anything was upstairs before falling. 'Is he alright? where are the others?' She sees her gun at the side of her, she checks it quickly and tucks it away on the hidden strap on her pants.
    "Leo?" she called out, voice filled with a little bit of pain. she did fall down the stairs after all, she's still pretty sore. "Leo, where are you?"...silent for a moment "is anyone here?" she asked aloud. If she was more aware.... which she was not as of yet, She would have been more careful in case , if there was company....She would have the element of surprise if it was bad company.

  13. Characters in this post:
    Michoco heard about the butler’s message as he sighs “At a time like this does he really have to do that” then they roam around the forest near the cruise ship.

    “Maybe Mr. Leo-San misses us” as honey looked at them.

    “Whatever” Michoco looked around and already seeing the ship “anyway have you got a plan?” as he looked at Jeremy, well he did think that this orange haired guy have a plan for coming with them.

    Then they suddenly kneel down in the bushes near the rock side beach “So Jeremy you go first” as Michoco holds Honey’s hand “cause if they were there you should signal us to run away”.

    He doesn’t want to go to a very spacious beach just to enter the cruise ship without someone testing it first, that no one is watching them or killing them with an arrow or even flying weapons.

    Honey nods with her brother suggestion and then looked at Jeremy “be careful and good luck” as she patted Jeremy’s shoulder.

    Michoco grins "yeah be careful" as he looked at Jeremy and thought "well now I don't regret to agreed with him to come with us...a prey should be a prey first for the sake of others" as he turn around to looked at Honey and patted her head.

  14. Characters in this post:
    He was still too caught up with the book when he heard Attka's calls. He distractedly mumbled a response but figured she didn't hear him when she was still calling out for company. "Up here, Attka-sama," he called gently as he opened the door and peered down at her with a smile. "I found something. Come take a look."

    It was a journal. He knew the writer. It was a Professor that had written numerous books regarding cannibalism. Leo himself had attended the Professor's talks before when he was studying on the subject. He had heard stories that the Professor had once been trapped in an island but managed an escape. Was the key to his survival written anywhere in the journal?

    Whatever it was, the only way for him to find out was to read on.

  15. Characters in this post:
    Attka hears Leo from up stairs. She looks up at him and smiles ever so slightly in relief.
    Getting up carefully, she heads to Leo's position. She walks up behind him and puts her head on his shoulder still feeling a little weak to stand, peering over she get's a look at what hes so interested in.

    'A book?' One of her arms reach around slowly, her hand stopping on the page, Her slim finger underling the words as she read.
    "The..signs of ...turning cannibalistic?" she questioned as she read slowly, her brain not completely registering everything as quickly as it normally would.

    "Leo, what is this?" she inquired, Though she was looking at him with understanding. Her brain was slowly coming back to it's full capacity, she understood this could be very important.

  16. Characters in this post:
    He felt her head on his shoulder and he shifted so that she was leaning in his arms. "You should just rest if you still feel lightheaded, Attka-sama," he suggested, concerned over her condition.

    The girl was peering into the book and was trying to make out the words. She still appeared dazed as she slowly read the headlines. "I assume it to be a journal. The writer is a well known Professor. I was merely reading it to see if there was anything of importance. And here, look." He showed her the page he had read moments ago. One he was very glad to find.

    DAY 37

    My companions have slowly disappeared and I suspect the natives have started their hunts. Maya and I are the only ones left but it's not long before they would start to target us. I fear that we're in grave danger if we stay here any longer.

    From our first stay here, I have observed the ways of the natives and I've finally deduce their weaknesses. Many have tried to stab and shoot them but their efforts were in vain as the monsters survived the assaults. However, Maya's rage filled assault by shredding the monster's meat was a success. The only way to step the natives are by completely destroying their flesh.
    "And there are other entries that further affirms this theory. I think this could be used to our advantage if we use it well." He lowered his voice so as to not startle the other two teenagers. But, he had confidence that Attka should be able to accept the information he shared.

  17. Characters in this post:
    Leo moved.
    Now she was resting in his arms, she got a little more comfortable now.
    Standing as they where now,she did not feel like she would fall over any minute.

    "thank you"
    she mumbled quietly as she listened to him speak.
    The new information, spread to her now aware mind. Her lips curved into a small smirk, an malicious glint lightly twinkled in her eye. "so, sounds like we are going to have to shower in red? at least they can die after all..." She replied in relief. Shoulders sagging, her weight rested on Leo a little more as she let herself relax slightly.

    She didn't know she was so tense before, but she's never dealt with things like this, it's been so unreal that she couldn't help but think that maybe they wouldn't be able to die like real...humans... do.
    'such a relief, now I'm a little more confidant we can get out of here. I just have to protect them all, once my body isn't so tired, i wont let myself be a burden again.' she thought determinately.

    "Leo, what should we do now? We need to get out of here, but where to for now?" She asked as she rested her head to his chest, tilting it upward to look into his eyes. "Maybe we should go down to the beach, see what supplies we can get to make a boat or something..or at least food supplies for a while." she said in thought. " We don't know how long we will be here." Attka continued lowly.

  18. Characters in this post:
    "Well, I've covered our food supply," he said in reference to the food he had brought from the Cruise earlier. There was enough for all of them to last for a few days. "But I agree that we need to leave here soon."

    There definitely something off in the cabin. It's like they were falling into a trap just by staying there. He didn't know for sure but there was a nagging feeling in his gut that told him they needed to leave. Something that he had seen but disregarded, pulling at his subconscious now. "There is a beach opposite from the Cruise. It'd be unwise if we head to the rock side beach now considering that it'd be too much of a crowd if we were to encounter with the rest."

    There was something bothering him. Something he feared to reveal to his companions. Pushing away the thought, he turned again to Attka. "We should head out as soon as light breaks. It's dangerous to go out in the dark considering the people here knows it better than us. So, for now, the three of you should rest first," he rested a hand on her head as he fingered her hair slowly. He examined the tired lines surrounding her eyes and managed what he hoped would be perceived as a reassuring smile. "I'll be on guard in case anything were to come."

  19. Characters in this post:
    Knowing about the food relived her some more. "that's good" she murmered.

    She was tired yes, but Attka didn't want to stay here much longer, but she knew it was dangerous. Her body was still worn out, and even though she was fighting the sleepiness creeping up on her, She knew it was a losing battle as she started to slump into Leo's arms more.

    Her head lulled to the side slowly, showing her losing effort to stay awake. Leo's figures through her hair calling her into sleeps warm clutches. yeah, he definitely wasn't helping the staying awake goal...
    "I don't wish to be a burden, but i cant seem to get over this tiredness just yet."
    she said back to her monotone voice, she felt useless. "M'sorry...Leo" she whispered as she fell asleep.

    Even though she really didn't want to stay in the house another minute. Attka could feel Leo's uneasiness, and it didn't help they she had the same feeling all her own. She could only hope that when she awoke again, that everything would be fine for a little longer.

    The last thought before everything went completely dark, was.... 'Be safe everyone'

  20. Characters in this post:
    "Sweet dreams, Attka-sama," he whispered when he felt her body slumped in his arms. He carried her once again to the mattress and reached out a hand to brush the hair from her face before he hesitated and forced his arm back into place. He flicked his glance back to Marissa and his Ojou-sama.

    "The both of you should rest as well. I'll check around the premise to make sure it's safe." He walked over the Ojou-sama and tugged her hair behind her ear, stroking her head slightly. "Don't worry, Ojou-sama. I will protect you."

    Leo walked out the house and paused outside the door, scanning the rustling trees. Satisfied there was no one lurking around, he sat on the ground and ran his fingers through his hair. He stared at his open palm, a million thoughts running through his head. In time, there were choices he had to make. Clenching his fist, he tilted his head and watched the dark sky, desperately waiting for the sun to rise.

  21. Characters in this post:
    Attka awoke hours later. The sun fluttered across her face, from the ratty blinds hanging in the window. Attka eyes squinted once they where hit by the rays of light,making her eyes open into a bleary world. One of her hands reached up to clear them of their morning drowsiness.
    "I hate getting up by sunlight!" she grumbled distastefully.
    She looks around and sees the other girls sleeping, but doesn't see Leo. 'He must have took watch outside.'
    She gets up from her place in bed and stretches, getting all the morning kinks out of her back.

    Afterward she heads to the front door, looking for Leo again. 'Leo seems to like to be out of sight a lot, I might just have to complain a bit later when I'm more awake..I need food first.' she huffed in her head.

    She opens the door silently, She spots him sitting outside looking into the forest.
    'He stayed up all night for us...' she thought endearingly. Before pushing the soft emotion away. stepping away from her perched position on the door frame.

    Now not many knew this about her, but when she was sleepy she was quiet the cuddlier so..you can guess in her sleepy state she didn't care who it was she was cuddling. Attka slowly sat down behind him and loosely wrapped her arms around him, her Head leaning against his shoulder in a similar fashion of the other night.
    She gives a small still sleep filled yawn. "Do you want me to take over for a little bit so you can get a quick nap in?...I suppose that was a dumb question huh, we should leave quickly now that everyone is up." Her mind quickly caught up with her mouth, before she said anymore obviously stupid ideas.

    She looked at him blearily for a second before sighing "Just so you know I'll be back to my normal self when I eat something, don't expect random cuddling or anything from now on....I just cant help it when I'm sleepy." She wined slightly.

    This was probably the most emotion you would see of her,She only ever let down her walls this much when she couldn't comprehend to put them up in the first place.

  22. Characters in this post:
    Leo had spent the night dismantling the traps he had stumbled upon around the house. Well, one thing, there was a lot, just so you know. After he was done with that, he checked in on the girls inside before returning to his seat on the ground outside. Leo locked his eyes into the depth of the forest, his whole body alert and prepared for anything that might come their way.

    When morning came, Leo decided to wait for the rest. He was never one to wake someone when they were still sleeping. He heard the small creak of the opening door but remained in his stoic state. When Attka's arms snaked around his waist, Leo's shoulders tensed in surprise but he relaxed when he felt the weight of her head against his back. By the sounds of it, it was obvious she was still drowsy. With an amused glance, he turned to her and settled her into his lap. "Well, I'll take note to starve you whenever you wake up." Leo pulled her closer and closed his eyes, resting his forehead lightly against hers. "Just kidding," he sighed, a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

    "Attka," he said slowly, conscious of the drop of honorifics in his greeting. Leo pulled himself away but remained his hold on her. "I have to confess." Looking away, he stared solemnly at the door. "If the time comes, if danger were to fall any of you..." he hesitated. "My priority is... the Ojou-sama. I promised all of you that I will keep you safe, but if it came to it, I would do anything in my power to keep her safe. Even if..." he choked. Leo buried his face against her shoulder blades, hiding the pained expression engraved in his features and stifling his trembling voice. "Even if I have to abandon everyone else."

    He had thought of it the whole night and that was the decision he had made. He helped Attka up from the ground and led her back inside. "I'll prepare something for you, Attka-sama," he smiled with a slight bow, the tone of formality returning to his voice. "We should all eat before we set off."

  23. Characters in this post:
    After Leo moved her into his lap, she allowed herself to soak in the feelings of safety and warmth. Her eyes lit with mirth for a split second at his jest, even if it was at her expense. Happy at his use of her name so familiarly.
    As she listened to him speak, and his words started to change into a depressed note.
    her hands held his for a moment as he dug his head into her back. His breath trembling against her back as he talked, He tried to hold it back so hard.
    She could feel all his sorrow and conflict, coming off him in waves.

    It hurt her heart so much for him to be in pain. 'I care for him! I never noticed how much untill...' She let her mind drift to all the times she was with him, It was such a short time but...He took care of her, she saw how caring he is, she has seen his goofy side, his crazy side, and now all his walls seemed to drop for a split second.

    That second was all it took to finalize her feelings for him, she couldn't deny there existence anymore. She understood his pain, It wasn't even a day ago she would have done the same for her brother. If she had to choose between them, it would have been her brother she saved...but now, As she looked at Leo's face as he tried to hide his pain with his false smile, going back to default as he used honorifics again.

    She stood up quickly and wrapped her arms around him once more, this time her head burring itself into his back.
    "Don't you dare think I'll let you just walk away like that..." She said lowly, voice filled with emotion. "I need to confess something as well! I don't know when, I don't know how..but I-" She hesitated for a second.

    Tears starting to fill her eyes but she gave it her all to make sure they didn't fall. "I care about you deeply, I don't know why it happened, but I wouldn't change it for anything now!" she told him desperately.

    "All of you, All of you are important to me now, I don't know how you all dug your way into my heart, but you did...And you're all I have left! I WONT LOSE YOU TO!" She yelled clutching him tighter. "I will help you protect her..I won't let anything happen to her, because I know If something ever did, it would hurt you..and I won't allow that. " She turned him around to face her.

    Her tears finally fell as her eyes landed on his face. 'when was the last time I cried? was it when they died?' The thought rang through her head fleetingly. "I already lost my parents, And I've wasted years of my life looking for a brother that's probably already dead, but I-i couldn't just..He's the only person I had left, I couldn't bare to think I was alone...he.." She hiccuped, and her tears fell harder.

    "I couldn't bare to lose you, not now." She breathed out shakily.
    "So even if it causes me to die, I promise I'll protect you. I'll protect you, even when you don't need it." Her hand reached up to his face and cupped his cheek, softly stroking it with her thumb. She smiled her first real smile in years, all because of him. "I'll protect you from yourself, I promise you." her emotions hardened slightly 'even if it's protecting you from me.' She moved her hand to the back of his head, bringing it down towards hers.

    Their foreheads touching, she looked deeply into his eyes, Her green ones trying to express all the feelings she didn't even know she had, to express the ones she did, and to tell him no matter what he will never be alone like she was. "I won't admit it later when I'm more awake, I can't..I won't be able to express myself to you then, so before I forget these feelings, before I lock them away for only myself to hear." She whispered softly.

    Tears still streaming her face,her eyes closed slowly, and her lips captured his.
    'It's not love, no..it can't be' she thought to herself 'No, it's definitely not love... not yet.' but she knew with all her heart 'Not yet but, It will be.' She thought with finality.

    Yes, It's not that she won't remember this later, she would have just locked it so far inside her walls, they won't reemerge again to get in the way, except one, the will to protect.

    Yes, nothing will happen to this man. Nothing all at. However if there ever was something...you can bet, that with all her strength with every last breath in her body! What ever caused that pain will pay dearly.

  24. Characters in this post:
    Marissa was dizzy from all the excitement doing everything she was told. As she sat in a corner while they made more plans she began to feel her sanity going away. She was falling apart bit by bit wishing she was back home at the girls home with her springy bed and screaming and yelling girls fighting over who was going to do what chore. Her life reminded her of her favorite movie Annie. Raised in a girls home she really did have a hard life. Looking around dizzily she spotted the blob of many colors across the room. Nothing was clear, she assumed it was the tears in her eyes and tried to wipe them away, but nothing was there to wipe away. She curled back up and rocked back and forth. Feeling her sanity slip away, beginning to think she might end up becoming a crazy person running around on this island herself. The thought of her hurting anyone stung in her mind as she rocked back and forth faster and faster eventually coming to stop and falling unconscious.

  25. Characters in this post:
    His whole body froze in the second she wrapped her hands around him. The desperation in her voice struck a chord in his chest as he felt her grip on him tightening. When he finally faced her, Leo saw the tears that was glistening across her skin.

    The tears in his own eyes threatened to fall as he silently listened to the words that left the quivering lips of the girl who held so much affection for him. Why? Why was it that she cared so much about him? And why did his chest clenched just thinking how much her presence was starting to mean to him. How did she sneaked past his barriers without him even noticing? The truth was he was scared. Terrified to actually let himself feel so much for a person that he might willingly throw his body in front of to protect instead of his Ojou-sama.

    When she pressed her lips on his, he tasted the salty tears that had rolled down her mouth. Maybe it was because of the exhaustion or maybe the lack of sleep could be certified as an excuse, but for whatever reason that made him lose his rational controls at that moment, the end result was the same. He kissed her back. It was a subtle movement of his lips but a kiss still the same.

    After that brief exchange, he pulled himself away from her and locked his eyes into her pair of greens. "Thank you," he finally said. For the promise, for sharing a part of your precious past, for not letting go. "For everything." With a reassuring arm around her shoulder, Leo pulled open the door and led her inside.

    As he scanned the occupants of the room, Leo made a change in the decision he had thought to decide the previous night. Even if it kills him, he will try with his final breath to protect the people here.

  26. Characters in this post:
    Attka was so happy when he kissed back, and should wouldn't admit it, but when he thanked her she felt better then she has in days.
    She could still feel his hand on her shoulder when he led her inside, her lips tingled at their former meeting with his own. She could quiet happily live with that feeling.

    She hasn't smiled since she kissed him, not because she wasn't happy, but because now after a full breakfast she was completely awake. Her feelings locked back into their walls of steal, Though she could feel the fractures in it that this man has caused.

    She looked over to him. "Leo, we should head out as soon as possible today, I don't think we can be safe here much longer." she started. She stood from her spot and went toward him, to look him in his eyes. "Do you think we should go to the beach?" she asked. Still unsure of where would be the safest place to be.

    ((ooc:sorry it was short, have an appointment : D be back when i can!))

  27. Characters in this post:
    Honey, Michoco and Jeremy creeped through the dark forest. It thrilled them when cool winds howled between the tall trees, making them shake frighteningly. "Is getting some electronic devices a plan?" he sniffed when Michoco asked, "I'm hopelessly excellent with them." He did not care if he sounded too haughty.

    When he heard the leader's suggestion, his mouth turned into a round "O". "What the heck?! You're pushing me onto the man-eating freaks' plate?" he could not believe his ears. As they wished him good luck and reminded him to be careful, he knew it was really what they meant. Sighing at their merciliessness, he noticed the soft touch on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Honey patting him as well as her big watery eyes. Okay you've won. he rolled his eyes.

    "Alright. But I won't signal you to run, asshole."
    he hissed at Michoco in a hushed voice before going ahead carefully.

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