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Thanks for being born

Thanks for appearing in front of me and guiding me…......

Tags: fantasy, friendship, hurt & comfort, romance, school, slice of life

Character Approval: Yes

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Closed

Creator: Spielerische-Elfe

Created: 06-30-2012, 11:54 PM


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  1. Characters in this post:
    Eva did not make any response to Akio's suggestion. It was sure that she was not being rude, she was just a bit confused. Why'd he suggest that? the mute girl thought.

    At first, she was timid and shy. But as Akio gently took the lead, she became more and more relaxed. The boy surely had the ability to comfort others. By looking at his tender smile, she thought he must be casting a spell on her. He seemingly made the other students vanish from her sight, forcing her to focus on his lead. Smiling at her silly thought, Eva cooperated with Akio's moves perfectly. Her heart was pounding fast but she felt free and confident following Akio's lead. Gradually her talent as a classical ballerina was shown by her smooth, elegant moves in the waltz.

    Some of the other students, especially the ones who were obsessive about Akio, were slowly fascinated by his silent partner's skills. Eva was no longer concerned about being stared at and enjoyed dancing - the most expressive art she could perform - wholeheartedly.

  2. Characters in this post:
    He suddenly looks at Noir when he heard about the wrinkles “I’m only 23 don’t reverse my age” as he chuckles. When Noir was spacing out looking at some student he then smirks “feeling jealous” he suddenly laughs when he heard Noir’s comment making Noir step on his right foot. “Oww” He shakes his right foot “yeah but maintain yourself from hitting me or I’m going to blurt that out” as he looks at her and smirk evilly.

    He smiles at Eva when she accepts his hands, He then starts to put his right hand on Eva’s back as he put raise his left arm holding Eva’s right hand. He then looks at everyone who seems busy as he look at Yamada.

    He looks at everyone who seems comfortable with each other, he caught Akio’s attention who seems okay now “Okay then Akio would you let them see the Basic Steps first” As he turn on the Music playing Secrets by One Republic.

    He looks at Eva “just follow my lead” as he smiles when the music starts he began dancing the easiest way leading Eva. He assumes Eva already knows waltz seeing how gracefully she dance, making the guys looks at her.

    “They’re good” as he look at Noir, after a few minutes the bell rang as he looks at everyone “make sure you study that”.

    When the bell rang he then let go of Eva as he bows “well it seems you gotten into it” as he smiles.

    (here, it seems basic click here)

  3. Characters in this post:

    I need another story
    Something to get off my chest
    My life gets kinda boring
    Need something that I can confess

    Noir was for sure not a dancer. But there was just something so natural about falling into step with Yamada. The way her right hand was resting on his shoulder and her left intertwined in his. It was like a familiar old habit.

    Just like riding a bike,
    a voice whispered in her head. Her face flushed with that thought and she disacknowledged her uneasiness from going any further. "Why the hell are we dancing Waltz with this song?" she questioned snidely. Sarcasm was safe; it was easy and familiar. Hiding behind sarcastic remarks, there was no way for her to expose herself.

    Noir closed her eyes and allowed herself to be led by Yamada in the waltz. In a sudden jolt, she was reminded by a quote from one of Jane Austen's classics, Pride and Prejudice.

    "To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love."

    She snapped her eyes open just as Yamada was finishing the lesson. She stared bewildered at the blonde teacher.

    What the hell just crossed my mind?!

    And with that final thought, she kicked his leg—hard. "Oops, sorry, I didn't realize we stopped," she stated flatly, looking not at all apologetic. "You know, you better prepare a foot cast if you plan to do this for the remaining classes," she shrugged. "Just saying."

  4. Characters in this post:
    “It’s just practice so don’t hate the music” as he chuckles, he was having fun when he notices Noir was zoning out staring at him as he looks away a bit red ‘why would she stare at me out of the blue’ as he thought.

    When they stop, he then snaps out of his thoughts when Noir kicks his legs again “damn you” rubbing his legs “do you really hate that music that much”.

    He turn off the music “Well take care and have fun” as he wave and smiles at the students who’s going out to their next class, he then looks at Noir “please maintain yourself to not hurt your partner” he sighs “now I hope I find a masochist for your partner” as he chuckles.

  5. Characters in this post:
    The bell rang and Akio let go of her hands. She did not notice the bell since she was too concentrated on dancing. Oh... she felt a bit disappointed as the dance had ended - and as Akio stopped leading her.

    She felt lost and stiffly wear a silly smile on her face. The soundless girl timidly waved him goodbye and left the music room thoughtfully with a heavily pounding heart. It was strange, but... She somehow hoped the lesson to last longer.

    No I am not one of those devotees, she took a deep breath and firmly reminded herself, gripping her pencil bag tightly.

  6. Characters in this post:
    She did a mock salute. "Roger."

    Walking out the Music Room, Noir stretched her arms and yawned. She headed to her locker which was at the end of the hallways, walking slowly and taking her time. There were chatters and whispers all around her. People crowding in groups, talking and laughing among themselves. It was never like that for her and Clair. Well, maybe not Clair. Clair could always interact with anyone. People liked being with her. But Noir, well, to put it short, people don't like her and she doesn't like people. So, there's really not much of a loss in either side.

    Her locker was just beside Clair and typically enough, first day of school and Clair had already renovated her locker with inspirational stickers and glitters. Noir's was a black dim by comparison. She keyed in the combination before opening the door, welcomed by the scent of pine from the scented beads she had hung in this morning.

    "Okay," she mumbled, examining her schedule.

    Psychology and History.
    Noir groaned. Who's the idiot that decided to put History as the last class?

    As she was replacing her books with the ones from her bag, Noir accidentally dropped her notebook. The grey hard cover bounced on the floor and landed on the ground close to the feet of her neighbor. As she glanced to the girl—noticing her presence for the first time—Noir was taken by her startlingly silver eyes.

  7. Characters in this post:
    It took 5 full seconds for Aldwyn to realize what just happened. With Clair, blabbering nonsense and suddenly said not to mess with this Noir, it finally made sense when she took off her helmet.

    He furrowed his brow again with somewhat annoyance. "You lied." It was an exclaim instead of a question. He never thought he would feel this way, but he felt betrayed. He felt like something had jabbed him with a pen in his heart. "You lied..." he muttered. It was hard for him to open up with people and with this thing happened, it really did hurt him a lot. He looked down, trying to cover his despair.

    "How stupid of me... To think that I would make a friend out of you." he chuckled. He looked straight at Clair in the eyes and said again, "Well, tell your sister, she got me. She got me real good." he smirked and left the lab.

    I'm such a fool.

  8. Characters in this post:
    Clair stood there, considering his words as he stormed off.


    And with a grin, she chased after him. He was out on the hallway and since he merely walked as she ran, it wasn't difficult for her to catch up. "Hey, Aldwyn!" She made her way in front of him, forcing him to stop in his tracks. "I didn't—" she panted, her breath heavy—running really wasn't her thing. "...I didn't lie."

    She had thought about it, and none of the things she said earlier was a lie. A bluff, probably, but certainly not a lie. "I never said I was the one who poured coffee on you. Everything in there," she pointed to the lab. She still felt exhausted by the run but her face was lit by her stubborn eyes. "That was all me."

    "So let's start over." Clair tugged at a hair, straightening herself. "The person you had just spent 40 minutes with today. That person," she said, smiling as she extended her right hand. "Would you like to be her friend?"

    Clair was an optimist but she was not a delusional fool. She knew he wasn't obliged to accept her friendship, especially after what she had done. And yes, this was one of the situation where it hurts to try. However, that was one risk she was willing to take.

  9. Characters in this post:
    The black haired woman walked into the school looking prepared. She had heard about this school from someone she couldn't remember and thought it would be a fun place to go and attempt at getting a job. She looked around trying to make herself look like she was trying to find someone to help her.

  10. Characters in this post:
    He wanted to walk Eva to her next class or search for Micah to be her partner but when Eva went off he waves back at her “Be careful” as he mumbles. He got nothing to do so he sits on the windowsill for awhile.

    “You did a good Job” as he smiles and wave at Eva, he then looks at Noir and chuckles seeing her salute in front of him. “Then have fun on your next class” as Noir left the room he then look at Akio “hey even if you know everything, you still have to go to take some classes” while he starts to get his things “by the way you seems in a good mood in dancing today”.

    “I only got English and Math today” he smirks “and you seem good at being a Masochist” as he looks at the sky by the window “seems it’s going to rain”. He suddenly wonders why he felt good in dancing the waltz today even he didn’t really care about it long time ago. He then calms his mind by the thoughts as he put his headphone and listens to some Instrumental Music.

    He sat down on the desk “then lucky you” hearing Akio’s comment about the Masochist makes him laugh a bit “but being a masochist is not kind of bad though” as he starts to read his book for a new lesson tomorrow.

  11. Characters in this post:
    Is that a teacher? when Eva was heading back to her classroom, she saw a young, decent black-haired lady standing at the side of the hallway. The young lady was well dressed and was holding some tidily prepared documents. Not being familiar with the school staffs, the mute student supposed the stranger was a teacher of the school.

    She bowed to the lady politely and smiled warmly at her. She is beautiful... the student exclaimed when she took a close look at Ms. Beats.

  12. Characters in this post:

    :: ŧɧąŋҡş ∱σŗ ɓεïŋɠ ɓσŗŋ ::

    Utter boredom burnished the silver hue of a single limegreen-rimmed ocular;;

    it's owner happened to be seated behind the polished mahogany desk.

    Ms. Aberdeen, the school nurse.

    Unable to resist taking advantage of her current solitude, she chattered cheerfully to herself, just to banish the empty pit that - alas, was [the previously mentioned] boredom. "Ring around the poesies, pockets full of rosies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down." Sing-song, was the tone of voice used, though her sophrano was also burnished with a sort of gravelly note that stripped all implied innocence from the words.

    "We all fall down . ."

    She then - creatively, she thought - added a line of her own, one born from another famous nursery rhyme, "Down came a spider . . and she ate that too!"

    In giggles, the wolfish girl collapsed, sprawling over the polished surface of her desk, for which she appeared much too delicate. Really, Tacit was all too wrong for this scene. Not only too delicate but far too young.

    Well. She looked too young. In April, she'd turned twenty-one. Yet to a stranger, she was an absolute dead-ringer for a thirteen-year-old.

    It didn't help her case that her personality was borderline schizophrenic [of course it's really full-blown, but sshh, keep quiet, that's supposed to be a secret]. Therefore, she typically acted like a four-year-old.

    Her following actions were perfect examples: with a swipe of her scrawny arm, the wolfish girl slapped stacks of papers off her shiny desk, watching them flutter to the tile flooring with a gleeful expression etched into her ivory visage and slightly manic slant to her single silver orb. After the papers, she also flung the computer. What the h[e]ll, right? Might as well. Besides, the crash announcing its deconstruction upon the floor was immensely satisfying. She actually danced to it, throwing her head back and emitting a primal shriek of happiness.

  13. Characters in this post:
    She saw a girl approach her and bow, so she bowed back like she had been taught to do when she was a kid. "Um," she said,"I'm looking for the main office. I just recently got assigned here and have no clue where I am supposed to go or where my classroom is. Can you help?" She looked at the girl and was mesmerized. She is beautiful... I have never seen someone this gorgeous before... Not since I was at my last job at Alota Day... Still, can't have feelings for a student is against any schools rules...

  14. Characters in this post:
    Noir picked up her notebook and started towards her next class.

    Psychology. That'd be in the third floor.

    From a distance, she caught sight of Eva's long brown hair. The girl was accompanied by someone Noir didn't think she had ever seen before—not that she's one to remember faces, anyway. Walking towards the pair, Noir tapped lightly on Eva's shoulder.

    "Are you kids lost?"

    She glanced towards the other female. The stranger had a petite figure and long purple hair. Another freshman? she guessed. Noir was the kind of person who never felt the need to introduce herself during first meetings unless prompted—that was usually Clair's job—but considering Eva's conditions, the mute wasn't likely to suddenly start with the introductions, did she?

    "I'm Noir. Eva's fr—I'm a sophomore here," she caught herself.

    She wasn't usually so sociable nor would she had been so generous, but she received word that her Psychology professor wasn't in and the substitute teacher she knew for sure was a total creep so Noir was in no way of a hurry to hear the lecher's endless drawls. "You guys need help?"

  15. Characters in this post:
    She saw someone come over there to help and thought,Kid!?! I haven't been a kid for a long time! How dare she! Why I ought to... Calm down... She is new to me and so she doesn't know that I work here now. But, still would be nice if I would be easily noticed as an adult instead of a high schooler... "Yes!" I said,"I have been moved from my position at this other school and moved to work here and I have no clue what I am teaching or whatever. But, I still need to get to work because, I have a job t do and need to do it so I need to find the main office. I was just asking her until you came. So..." She looked at the girl trying not to look like she was examine her, even though she was. She didn't think much of the girl at this point, but maybe she could get to know her better at a latter point.

  16. Characters in this post:
    "Oh her?" Noir nodded in Eva's direction. "She doesn't talk," she stated blatantly. Noir really didn't think of it as a big deal. Like it was normal to not be able to speak. Clarifying it simply as if pointing out a person's gender or race.

    Main office?

    "And the main office's in that direction," she said, pointing to the direction where she had just came from. "Walk straight. It's right next to the stairs. Huge orange door. You can't miss it."

    Unless you're really dense,
    she added snarkily in her thoughts, skillfully hiding it from showing on her calm expression.

    She bowed slightly to the young teacher. "Sorry for earlier. I assumed you were a freshman since I've never seen you around here before," she admitted.

    To Eva she asked, "How about you? Do you know your way to class?"

  17. Characters in this post:
    "Thanks, I'll be on my way now," she said as she walked away. Little did she know I can read thoughts, little brat... Calling me dense.... She better hope she isn't in my class, whatever it is.... I hope I do get her if I teach science.... So much havoc I can cause with my powers... Teehee! She had found the door that the girl had talked about and knocked before entering. "Hello?" she called out, hoping to receive a response.

  18. Characters in this post:
    Oh she is a new teacher, Eva thought, When there are freshmen, there are new school staffs as well. Perfectly logical. she smiled.

    In fact, she almost laughed when Noir mistook Ms Beats as a school kid and when the latter tried to suppress her emotion and revealed her real identity. Since she was not involved in it, Eva felt she was watching a comedy scene. Her mind has been blank since the music class ended, but the short conversation between her friend and the teacher lightened her mood again. Not being able to introduce herself, she was relieved that Noir did the job for her.

    She kindly waved the new teacher goodbye.

  19. Characters in this post:
    Out of the corner of her eye she saw the girl wave bye to her, so she waved back. I hope I get to teach her... She can't say anything and yet she has spoken ballads to me that have won me over... I think she might be my favorite kid... If she becomes my student she will be my favorite student, no matter how bad she is in the subject.... Now where is the principal of this school so I can get my job darn it?

  20. Characters in this post:
    It took him by surprise when Clair went up to him. She offered her right hand, still insisted on making him a friend even after the incident.

    He kept on looking at Clair's hand when, out of the blue, his cheek flushed with embarrassment. He flustered a bit, trying hard to keep his cool. He covered his red face with his hand and muttered,"I
    —I know you didn't lie." He looked away, not wanting her to see his flushed face. He definitely felt embarrassed as he hastily accused her of lying. He knew the fact that she wasn't lying and he didn't even know why he reacted that way.

    I'm such a fool. Why did I say she's lying just now? This is too much.

    His legs finally gave in so he had to crouch. He hugged his leg and placed his head in his arms. "I
    —I know you didn't lied." He repeated, still not looking at her. "It's just that I—I... I don't know why I blurted it out. I don't even know where it came from." He sighed. "Maybe I'm still troubled by the book, I guess" he said in a very low tone, not sure whether she could hear him or not.

    Aldwyn never thought that someone would chased after him just to clear things up. He was always cold and harsh and likes to keep it to himself. He never really had a friend in the past. The only friend he got was Rory, the gold retriever. Thus, his social life was very little. For some unfathomable reasons, he wanted to step out of his comfort zone.

    He glanced up at Clair. "Do you really want to be my friend?"

  21. Characters in this post:
    [ Shalalala. Someone should spontaneously attack another student so someone will post to me ;D ]

  22. Characters in this post:
    "Come in," one of the school secretaries called as she heard someone knocked the door. There she saw a young lady standing in a perfectly formal manner. The secretary leaked out a quite yawn before she put down the pile of document. Quickly she put on a smile and asked the newcomer, "May I help you, miss?"

    .................................................. ..........................................

    It was hard for Eva to concentrate. She was having a Geography class, and the teacher was teaching in exactly a monotone. The mute girl hold her cheek with a hand and looked at the scenary outside the window. The scene of dancing with Akio once again floated into her mind.

  23. Characters in this post:
    "Umm," she said,"I am Ms. Beats. I was moved over here from Alotta Days. I am the new teacher?" She didn't quite know how to explain it to her but, none the less she thought she had gotten enough of the point across that the lady could figure out the rest of it.

  24. Characters in this post:
    Is he blushing?

    A amused smile curved onto Clair's face, unseen by the boy. She crouched down beside him, watching and listening attentively to his ramble. When he had glanced up and caught her eyes, she smiled warmly.

    "Didn't I just agree to that 10 seconds ago?"

    She lifted herself up and looked away, hiding a grin that she was incapable of fighting. "I've gotta go. My class is going to start soon."

    Taking less than two steps, she turned to face Aldwyn once again. "And about your book," she hesitated. "Well, I know my sister so you don't have to worry about it."

    Locking her eyes on his, she gave him a final smile and a wave. "See you at class tomorrow."

  25. Characters in this post:
    "Ms Beats...?" the secretary raised an eyebrow and went back to her desk, picking up a folder. She carefully read the paper inside the transparent folder and smiled, "Oh I got it. Welcome to our school, Ms Beats. Yes we are very glad to have you as our new teacher. You will teach music and be the conductor of our school orchestra, right?" the woman kindly offered Ms Beats a seat, gave her a teacher's profile and continued, "Would you please check if the personal information is right?"


    "Eva, Eva..." the girl sitting next to Eva poked her arm. The mute girl turned to face her, tilting her head. Her neighbour helf her own head with a hand and panted a bit, "I... Guess I feel quite sick..."

    Eva gasped and quickly write "What's wrong?" on her notepad and showed it to her companion. "My head's cracking up... It feels so bad..." the girl answered weakly.

    Gosh, this looks bad. Eva frowned and raised her hand. The teacher called her up. Before the teacher asked, the soundless girl show her notepad to the teacher, telling him that her companion was feeling sick and needed some medical care. The Geography teacher immediately let Eva walk the girl to the sickroom.

  26. Characters in this post:
    "Okay," she said as she picked up the folder. "Name looks okay, address is good, age... is surprisingly accurate, ahh Yep! Everything seems to be in order," She gave the file back to the lady. "Now, where is my classroom located?"

  27. Characters in this post:
    Aldwyn watched as Clair leaves. He could still feel his cheeks were burning red.

    There I go again. Blurting out nonsense.

    He shook his head and stood up. "I need a water." he mumbled. All of the endorphins rush made him kind of thirsty.

    He went to the vending machine and bought an apple juice. Then, he headed to his locker again, putting back his Physics book. Glancing at his stained book, he remembered what Clair had said. He grinned a bit, then closed the locker's door.

    Aldwyn walked to the library since he was having a free period. Sitting in the far end of the library, next to the window, he opened up his notepad. He flipped a new page and scribbled down.

    A Wonderful Encounter.

  28. Characters in this post:
    Atop her very desk, the wolfish girl was dancing now, to the same tune only she could hear;; stockinged feet ghosting across the polished mahogany.

    This reckless dancing was continued-- until a knock on her door interrupted. Hmrf. Pert nose scrunching in annoyance, she leapt from the desk to the floor, carelessly kicking aside papers [or just stomping on them] on her way to the door, reluctance in the lithe slink of her every step. Raising onto tiptoe to peek through the peep hole, limegreen-rimmed ocular narrowing to a suspicious slit.

    Upon catching a decent glimpse of what stood just outside, the same ocular relaxed into a saucer;; preceding the deft movement as Tacit undid the several locks that protected her from the horrors of the school, and opened the door, ushering in what she assumed was her very first sick person. How exciting was that?!

    "Okay, sweetheart, you just lie down on that silver table over there, I'm going to get my tools. I'll have you feeling better in no time!"

    Cheerfully, she directed the slightly green girl over to the examining table, already unrolling her collection of various sharp objects. Obviously surgery was needed; something was bothering the poor girl, probably an object she'd swallowed, therefore causing her complexion to change colors.

    [ LOLOL. Poor Eva. ]

  29. Characters in this post:
    "Ah, Boheur!"

    Clair turned towards the voice that was calling her. It was her PE coach.

    "Yes, Mrs Briggs?"

    "Can you do me a favour and send this to Ms Aberdeen?" the coach's expression was contorted, obviously uncomfortable but seemed eager to load the heavy books into Clair's hands.

    "I'm sorry, who?" she questioned distractedly, unfamiliar with the name while she tried to balance the burden into her arms.

    "The nurse," she stated, looking annoyed. "It'd be a great help and I'll mention this to your teacher," she added enthusiastically. "Uhh, what class do you have now?"


    The coach's eyes lit up. "Perfect! Now, off you go!" The slightly overweight woman slapped her briskly in the backside and Clair shrieked in surprise. She then watched as her coach walked away, humming happily.

    "I wonder why she seemed so relieved?" she thought aloud. Shrugging, Clair started towards the nurse's office in quickening strides, her arms already aching under the weight of the load.

  30. Characters in this post:
    This. Class. Is. Torture.

    Noir didn't bother to hide her yawn, much to the irritation of her History teacher. He ignored her and continued with his lesson, which none of the other students paid any attention to. Some kids were giggling and passing notes at the back of the class, while the students in the front row were openly reviewing their previous Psychology lesson.

    When is this going to end?
    She glanced up to the clock above the white board. 25 more minutes. Ugh, great.

    Her eyes wandered to her teacher and for a brief moment, Noir saw a look crossed the man's tired eyes. Is it just me or does he look... hurt?

    Sighing, she raised up her right hand. Just what had gotten into me, today?


    All the occupants in the class turned to her as an audience. The teacher stopped mid-sentence and turned to look at her, surprise evident in his eyes. "What is it, Ms Boheur?"

    "The revolution," she started, masking her face to be completely unreadable. "Can you elaborate with more details on how it started? I've read about it in a Moran's lit before." She knew for a fact that the middle aged man was a fan and it showed when his eyes suddenly lit the moment she mentioned the author's name. "Anyway, I found it quite interesting and I was wondering if you could relate historical facts with the novel?"

    The teacher responded eagerly, his face bright with enthusiasm. Some students glanced up from what they were doing and actually sat and listened with growing interest. The teacher cracked a casual joke and lighthearted laughter ensued, earning a few more listeners. As he relaxed under their admiring stares, none of them realized how quickly the clock was ticking until the last bell rang.

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