I don't think it should be made an official rule, it makes me think of middle school when teachers would say, "No saying mean things in my classroom!" and of course those kids who would probably do it anyway would be like "Sheesh, what babies can't take it so they've got to make a rule for it?" And it really should just be common courtesy. But I do appreciate the thought of protecting members from things like that.

Oh! And one more thing before I finally shut my yap. I really like... the buttons. (I don't really know what to refer to them as. Probably just icons but.. I like calling them buttons) But in forums you have those little icons that look like buttons that show visuals for threads like moved, hot threads, ect. I figure if I was talking about visuals before I should at least give some positive feedback and I have definitely looked at those and gone "Awe, I like these :3"