"It's already time?! Shit! I better get going!"

The young man paid for all the groceries and sprinted to home, the grocery store was a few blocks a way so he decided to walk. Which wasn't his greatest idea ever because he had invited a friend over. He has gotten lonely and he promised her he'd invite her over to show her the place with his girlfriend.... But that didn't work out. Anton's feet had beat the ground hard, yet it felt like he wasn't covering much ground. His breathing became faster and breathes were getting shorter, his heart shaking and his arms beginning to ache as he finally saw his home. His black glasses began to slip from all the sweat and he caught it with his teeth. The man set down the groceries and pulled out the keys, looking around he saw she had not arrived yet. Thankfully. He pushed the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door and hung the keys next to the door he picked the bags back up and saw that his friend was already inside. With an unknown naked guest.

Hours before the young man had sat on his couch, staring at his laptop and sipped on some tea. He glanced at the time and date on his phone and then it rang. He picked up the call to hear a familiar voice of his friend, whom asked if she could drop by and hang out. She claimed to have been very frustrated with her work and needed a break. A agreed to allowing her over as he wanted some company, anyone honestly. When she hung up he closed his laptop and began to pick up all the clothes laying on the floor, he vacuumed and swept and washed all his dishes. He even gave his dog a bath. She proceeded to thank him with lots of licks, which made him smile and chuckle.

The most important thing to him was that he had something to cook, taking a peek at the fridge he saw that he had.... nothing he wanted to cook or eat. So he decided to head out to the grocery store, he glanced at the clock and noticed he still had time. Plenty. That is until he couldn't decide what to cook and if he should buy other food for himself later.