
You stand on the shore of a miraculous land, its lush forests and pure flowing waters are said to be a blessing from the gods themselves. As you walk through the path before you, you take notice at the many different shapes and sizes of it flora and fauna. Green leaves ticked with blue strips, trees with a hues of red, green and, yellow dangle their heart and star shaped leaves at you as if welcoming you into their unique world.

Under you a small animal scurries over your feet, its big round eyes stare at you as its long fluffy white and pink tail waves in the small breeze. Its sharp light green horns seem to be the only defense this creature has, as you reach down to touch it it hurries off into the bushes. You feel compelled to look through this land even more, maybe you have lived here for awhile and haven't fully seen the area around you. Possibly you are new to this land, from areas around it in a different village or town, and hope to share in its glorious makings.

Who ever you are or where ever you come from, the people of Sythril are a kind but strict people. Nonetheless they welcome new comers with open arms.
