'This is great. I get paid to take a picture of the head of the company, the computer code, and the type of computer he uses. I don't care what a guy like that needs that for. As long as I get the cash. . .' Basil thought, dressed in the usual black jeans, red shirt and jacket with a furry hood. Living on the streets for years, you get to know a building. Especially the one he was about to break.

He entered through the back entrance which was left unlock when the janitor was taking out trash. He knew the schedule of the man, cause he left just moments before he entered. He ran into a janitor in the middle of the hallway. He punched him hard, blacking him out. Then, he took off his clothes and put on the janitor's clothes. He placed his own clothes in a trash bag and that into a rolling garbage can.

He wheeled his way, unnoticed, to the head's office. With a bobby pin in hand, he managed to pick the lock to the office. Once inside, he took a picture of the computer make and model, which looks pretty recent. As he was looking for the computer password, he heard the door opening.

"Shit." he said under his breath. He hid under the desk. He wasn't sure who it was, but he covered his mouth and hid so that he wouldn't be heard.