What was the first style of RP you ever played?

Oh gosh, it must have been a very undeveloped group rp. Most likely with a plot that could be surmised as, "fantasy forest with elves and stuff." The development didn't really go past that point. We walked, we talked, we slayed some dragons. I did that same sort of group rp for months on repeat- most likely using the same single-faceted character. Oh, and I probably capitalized and punctuated very little, if at all.

And where?

I started as a kid, probably nine or so, trolling the Neopets forums once I realized that I could register a different age ( in order to post on the forums) without a police force breaking down my door for fraud.

Do you still remember and/or use your first character?

Sadly. She wasn't that bad, really she wasn't, she's just not my style anymore. She was a pre-teen girl with blonde hair in twintails and brown eyes. Her name was Elody and she had some sort of power, though I forget exactly what kind. Anyway, I was still sort of in the whole phase of, "I play a girl because I am a girl", and hadn't yet discovered the joy of playing male characters. It's most likely she was also a sue, but whatever.

What was the first tabletop (rp) game you played?

Oh gosh. Very recently, I got convinced by a friend of mine. In all honestly, I didn't take it very seriously- he probably didn't appreciate my mage with "+5 sexy". Maybe someday I'll play for real, but for now I'll stick to the forums. Hehe.

How about your first chat game? Where was it on?

Looooong ago with a friend I gained on the Neopets forums. When I quit the site we decided to keep up with e-mail, but when that wasn't working we switched to IM. We're still friends after seven years, though our rp styles are now much too different to be very compatible.