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Xavi's character dump

Action-packed adventures await you. We've got the rides, the views, the fun, the romance. All ages welcome. Come, let paradise be your one-way ultimate getaway!......

Tags: action/adventure, curse, free for all, fun, getaway, haunted resort, mayhem, murder, mystery, paradise, romance, utopia/dystopia

Character Approval: No

Player Level: Beginner

New Players: Closed

Creator: Xavirne

Created: 07-24-2012, 12:14 PM


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Game Log in The Gym

Because sometimes people like to get away to... work out?

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  1. Characters in this post:
    Some people went on vacation to get away from the usual grind. Byrne, he wanted to work out. Not just a little, either. He was going to push himself to the limits. He needed to be in top shape for the physical examines. If he wanted to be a part of the CIA or FBI, he needed to be agile, strong, and sturdy. Right now, he looked more like a bowl of noodles than a rock. However, this look was deceptive. He was, indeed, stronger than he looked. Granted, he was still youthful and still needed to bulk up… a lot.

    Hitting the treadmills first, he ran on them for a good fifteen minutes before growing bored. Seriously, how could people like doing this? It was like being a hamster on that damn, squeaky turning wheel. Boring and repetitive; hopping over to the weight lifting station, Byrne would spend a good thirty minutes there before the pool area caught his eyes. A dip in the pool sounded refreshing and, to top it off, he could do laps.

    Into the locker room he went. Stripping himself and then putting on a pair of trunks, he made his way out the slender hallway that opened up to the pool. There were a few people here and there, but no one interested him. Not even the women whose bikini tops were too thin for them and too small to hide anything.

    When his body first made contact with the water, it shivered but he soon got over it. Determined to spend the next half hour or so in here, he went to swimming down one of the lanes. If he was lucky, he would do this for thirty minutes without stopping. Key word being if.

  2. Characters in this post:
    Flipping her long black hair, Monika stormed into the Gym wearing her sports outfit. The black-faced girl scared people out of her way with her obvious rage. She bit her lips and wildly pulled her hair up, tying it into a tall ponytail. "Heilige Scheiße (holy shit)," she hissed when looking forwards. She was having a bad day - or days.

    Tracing back to the last weekend, the reason behind her rage could be revealed. It was the start of her school's holiday. Her classmates, who had long had disputes with her, planned their class trip without letting her know. This angered her a lot - not because she was not invited, but because she wanted to visit that special tourist spot so badly. If she was to go there alone, she had to pay a much higher sum of money. It truly annoyed her. Not wanting to look lame, she decided to make her own holiday. That was why she ended up being in Paradise.

    Guess what, she almost wanted to slap her head when she got her room key. Room 66. I'm just a "6" away from hell, good grief. she rolled her eyes in dismay. After throwing her bags onto the bed she changed her clothes. Pictures of herself being bullied or isolated at school roamed in her head, sparking off a fire inside her. She rampaged out off her room and barely held herself from casting spells ruthlessly.

    She had to vent her anger by working out.

  3. Characters in this post:
    About thirty minutes has passed since he first took a dip in the water. He was starting to grow tired of his routine and decided it was time to do something a little less… boring. Lifting weights? He hadn't done that yet. Or maybe some calming stretches would be best? Byrne was getting pretty tired. Maybe it was time to call it quits for the day?

    Throwing on a shirt and drying himself off, he marched back into the workout portion of the gym. Going straight to the yoga mats, he started his end of training stretches. It felt great to be done for the day. The raven even seemed to have a bit of a smile to his face, although most would call it a wary smirk.

    As he bent over himself, his eyes scanned the faces of the people that were in the gym along with him. There were about fifteen faces - three of them being women. Not that it mattered what gender they were as Byrne wasn't interested in that sort of thing. Letting out a deep exhale, he dumped to his butt and let the cool air kiss his skin. It really was nice to be in an air conditioned room that was so… tranquil and calm.

  4. Characters in this post:
    Including her, there were only three females in the Gym. It was not a big deal though. Monika kept running on the treadmill. Minutes later, jogging. A few more minutes later, walking. At last, she stopped the device and got down panting. She was never ever an athlete. Being the skinny type of girl, and obviously the thinnest among the three females in the Gym, she was the one with the least physical power. The black-haired maiden wheezed as she support herself by leaning against the wall. Wrath was still blazing inside.

    Muscular men were not her cups of tea. No matter when the big, sinewy males attempted to dally or toy with her, the black-haired lass would either shoot them a deadly glare or simply ignored them. At the moment she was enclosed with a bunch of large men. Oh gut, she shook her head when looking down and untying her ponytail.

  5. Characters in this post:
    The calmness was ruined by the men that were continuously trying to hit on the skinniest of the girls. Holy hell, was it annoying. With each pass made by these men - filthy pigs is more like it - Byrne could feel his body tense. Brows twitching and a scowl on his face, the guy finally snapped.

    "WOULD YOU LEAVE THE WOMAN ALONE!" His eyes narrowed and shot around at all the men who were now focused on him. A boding, threatening look was plain as day on his face. Dark gestures against his pale skin seemed to enhance that foul mood he was put in.

    Sure enough, a few of the guys laughed it off and went about their merry way. Another handful left gym - and in a hurry. And, of course, three had to approach him.

    As soon as their sneakers touched the edge of his mat, Byrne cracked his knuckles. Rising, he probably looked like an easy fight. What these buffoons didn't know was that Byrne was an agent in training and that he was quite athletic, despite his looks.

    With a quick one-two, he downed the first guy. A spin-kick here and a good sucker punch there, he took out the second. The third guy? He ran off crying like a baby. Smug look now on his face, he cracked his knuckles again while looking at the bruised guys at his feet. The one guy had a nice, fat, bloody lip. The other had a black and blue eye.

    Was Byrne proud of his work? No, not at all. He hated resorting to this but, when in the mood to kick ass, he did just that - kicked ass.

    Walking over their trembling, groveling bodies, he decided it was time to leave the gym. Well, actually, he was getting kicked out. Still, to get to the men's locker room, he needed to pass by Monika's location. For a moment, their eyes met but Byrne broke the gaze off. He wasn't fighting to prove himself worthy of her. No, that was hardly the case and was, quite frankly, way off. If anything, he stood up for her because he couldn't stand the fact that these men were drooling over her.

    With a good eye roll, the raven muttered to himself, "Imbeciles."

  6. Characters in this post:
    Just at the very second she started to mutter a spell, somebody snapped behind the wall of large dudes. She could not see the owner of the threatening voice due to the tall men’s blockage. Not eager to know who he was, she felt at ease since the annoying gang was distracted. There was a gap between two of the men after some of the folk left, which was wider than enough for her to pass through. Tilting her head a bit she was sure no obstacle was blocking the newly discovered escape way.

    However a good fight was kicked off when she moved. Out of curiosity the young witch eyed the mess behind her.
    “Wow… Scheißhaufen (turd)…” her eyes rounded in surprise. Before her gaze a black-haired man swiftly tripped the piles of meat with a perfect spin kick. As for the huge men’s fair-looking faces, nice punches were earned. Monika could not help gasping at the skillful and smooth moves. Feeling frozen at the spot she was standing, she watched as the guy finished the riot and walked towards the exit and her direction.

    I’m not gonna thank for this, she thought. Even though she did have gratitude inside, it was simply not her habit to voice it out. At the moment their eyes met the witch felt something thrilled through her veins. Not wanting to show any trace of being inferior, she managed to put on a stubborn face. Very soon the tall male broke the eye contact and went his own way, followed by a soundless sigh of relieve from Monika. Despite the fact that she had stayed in Paradise for around two hours only, she started to doubt if it was a nice idea to spend her holiday here.

    Feeling sick of staying in the Gym any longer, she flipped her long hair and made her way out of the room.

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