Waiting in the women's drawing room for King Hrothgar to call for her, Evangeline Seraphina De Noir was indiscreetly attending to her stinky feet. Sweat doesn't give a dam if your a Princess. Unfortunately Princess Evangeline had a bad case of sweaty feet. To tame the smell, she had to take off her shoes as often as possible, or noses would suffer. Taking off her shoes may have been one anti-fashion idea that the Queen, her mother Avalon, had encouraged. If there was one thing the Queen felt more affinity to, it was a sweet fragrance. Princess Evangeline was sure the Queen was searching for a remedy for sweaty feet. Then she wouldn't have to take off her shoes.

Ignoring the sour faces of the guard, who stood at the threshold holding a long spear, Princess Evangeline set her shoes to the side, took out a small round tin from her pocket, and started rubbing eucalyptus ointment on her feet. It felt good. She was about done putting her shoes back on when Helena crept into the room. The sun that poured through the colored windows enhanced her natural beauty. Helena's only disadvantage was her down cast eyes, her arms were folded, and she dare not look at the guards at the door.

“ Nell, dearest.” Evangeline called to her. Nell was a nickname for Helena. They used it often.

Helena's walk was that of a timid sheep. She sat down next to Evangeline, placing her head on her sisters shoulder. Evangeline noticed Helena's eyes were tired, and red. She had been crying again. Evangeline hated this. Helena was so sweet, so darling. Why did the nightmares not end for her Helena? Evangeline wished she could switch places.

“ Another nightmare?” asked Evangeline.
“ No. I- I dropped off a hat I borrowed to Delphine's bed. She had a hand mirror on her blanket.” Helena started breathing heavily. “ I didn't see it at first, but when I-”
“ Stop. Don't talk about it if you can't handle it. There there. Sh.”
Dam mirrors. Evangeline felt like smashing them all. Obviously this was useless. People need mirrors. But it was the only thing Evangeline could think of at the time.
“ We should throw Delphine's mirror away. Your only a bed away form her and- Delphine, there you are. Look what you've done!”
Delphine had walked in, the mirror in hand. But now it had no glass. Delphine was worried, it was obvious that she knew what happened. “ I'm so sorry Nell. I forgot! Please forgive me.”
Evangeline was in a mood by now. This wasn't the first time Delphine had left a mirror around.
“ Forgive you? Why? How could someone forgive you for forgetting that Helena is distressed! You know very well not to leave mirrors, jewelry, or wine around, but do you? NO!- Delphine? Delphine, come back here, I'm not done talking to you!”

Sent in to a guilty sob, Delphine ran out the door, dropping her glassless mirror on the way out. Helena never meant for this to happen. She sat up straight, her disfavor was apparent. Immediately Evangeline went defensive.
“ She knows what she did!” Evangeline exclaimed. Helena pursed her lips.
“ What else do I do? She does this all the time.” Evangeline put to her. Helena furrowed her eyebrows.
“ Eve, my condition is a burden, but I would never take it out on you. Delphine is older than us, but she is sensitive. You must know she meant no harm when she forgot to put her mirror away.”
“ Fine, I guess I took it a little too far.” Evangeline slumped her shoulders forward. She knew what was next. Apologies. Ugh. They were so unpleasant.

Picking up the mirror, Evangeline made one last attempt to get out of it, saying that father was expecting her soon, but Helena was not budging. She agreed to speak with the King, stating that he would understand. Sighing, Evangeline asked guard after guard if they had seen Delphine come their way. Finally she talked with the guard by the stables, who said he saw Delphine ride off on to the path leading into the forest.

NO! Not there! Evangeline let out an unattractive sigh that sounded similar to a pig grunting. The guard had to use all his training not to laugh. Evangeline was going to have to ride a horse if she was going to catch up to Delphine. Choosing an old calm stallion, a dappled grey, Evangeline jauntily rode off into the forest. Her butt started to ache as soon as she began. Nearly a full half hour in the calm horse, that she thought would be tame and pleasant, turned out to be a jittery scaredy-cat. He reared twice so far. At the silliest things too!

“ You fool of a horse, from what mothers womb did you spawn? She probability died of shame.” As is it was a response, the dappled grey screamed and jerked into a full run. It was already difficult for Evangeline to hold on to a horse when it was walking. She nearly was thrown off when the dappled grey began his terrifying run. Evangeline gripped the neck with both arms while sobbing.

“ DEAR LORD!, SOME ONE HELP ME!!!” She screamed...