Quote Originally Posted by ENob View Post
Though Tahiel brings up a good point I'd like to argue against. xD Science fiction isn't all techno-babble. It really isn't. Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black are science-fiction, but I don't ever remember any huge talks about how certain things works. Maybe the occasional word about an engine or how the sun on the penal colony would cook them to bits.


I don't know. I mostly bring these things up because I was thinking about making some science-fiction-survival-puzzle roleplay here, with more emphasis on the puzzles than anything else. The science is just there to explain why the jangle of characters ends up on this strange planet in the first place. If I can get it all figured out, I'll try and put it up, and if it doesn't work it doesn't work. Where I'm going in a few weeks might help its case as well as WTFRPG, since I might be able to find a lot of science-fiction roleplayers there.

At the very least, I'll be recruiting as many people as possible. ;D
I <3 RIDDICK. I have never been able to get a Riddick-based RP to work, and I wonder if it's because it's SciFi (which I love too, by the way, and don't think it gets enough RP-love).

I'd totally be interested to see what you start for a SciFi RP. I almost started one here, but then it seemed like none of the active members were into that sort of thing yet.

Quote Originally Posted by Tahiel View Post
Haha, yeah most of those were Trekkie/Stargate rps. :P Whenn they weren't going all techno-babble on one they were describing weaponry in the other. XDD
...and I <3 Stargate too. But I imagine it would be a difficult one to RP, because they are pretty technical in the shows.