Welcome to the board... Age...?

That aside, I don't think you'll have any problems with your preferences! I know plenty of people who have the same tendency to want a little male romancing (myself included).

AND. OH MY GOD. I'M NOT ALONE. I'M NOT ALONE. #sobbing uncontrollably right now #thank you thank you thank you #i just want to hug you #not creepy

I swear, even though I'm registered for adult role-plays, I'm so awkward with writing explicit scenes, I make everything sound so unnatural and unsexy and un-everything. But, you know, having access to adult content isn't a bad thing! You get to see all the adult forums that, otherwise, would be hidden. ;D

And if I haven't scared you (or something), I'm Jing! If you have any questions/concerns/things, don't feel shy and drop me a message or a profile comment. I'm basically no-lifing it up right now! Haha... #sadlife