
When Durion stood up suddenly she looked up at him with wide eyes, her ears turning back to show the surprise she felt as he seemed to switch moods so suddenly. Listening to him speaking she would meet his gaze without fear, and without flinching, but her own eyes turned sad. And his own anger of course would affect her... that was one of the downsides of being an empath, especially one that had absolutely no idea that was what she was. Her own anger and sadness filled her, as he seemed to think that his was the only pain out there. Jumping to her own feet her tail lashed back and forth through the air, as she narrowed her eyes.

"I don't know!" Raelynn's voice rose in volume just a little, not enough to be considered shouting, but louder then her usual gentle tones, straining against the whirlwind of emotions that hit against her. "I don't know any of that! I have 1 year of memories!" She held up her hand and one finger in front of her face. "And less then a year of knowing my own name! Do YOU know what it's like to know absolutely nothing? To have no memories of your own parents, siblings, or life? Do you know what it's like to be lost every day? Do you know what it's like to have no one to care for? To have absolutely nothing?" Big crystalline tears started to roll down her face as she shook her head, hating that she was expressing some of the things that bothered her the most but she tried to ignore. She hated thinking about them so much because it only ever made her sad. "Do you know what it's like to have nightmares every night of things that may or may not have actually happened to you? And how can you call my coming here as warm and welcome? I was told I had to stay here, to do a job that I have no idea of how to do, unless I wanted to die! I have to put off looking for anyone, for any single person who might know me, to put up with this! I have no home to walk to and I sleep alone in the elements every single night, no comfy blankets or pillows. Unlike you I have nothing that was given to me, to throw about when throwing a temper tantrum to break like an ungrateful child!" Raelynn's hands would slice through the air to put emphasis on his words before he could dismiss her. Normally she was much too sweet natured and gentle to become as angry as she was now, but all day she had been bombarded by feelings of anger and sadness. She knew she was much like a child in the way of things, but she always smiled, always tried not to take out her own loneliness and darkness on others. But once the floodgate had opened, Rae couldn't stop until she exhausted all she could think of to say.

Once his door had slammed behind him, the tears just wouldn't stop even as she lifted her hands and rubbed furiously at her eyes. Rae was so tired, she'd spent so much energy already fixing things and cleaning things and just trying her best like she always did. But now she was emotionally drained as she sniffled and stared at the door for only a second longer before she would turn, and headed over to the nearest window. Grabbing the window she would yank it up, letting the fresh air from the night outside flow inwards before she would stick her head out the window to check to see what floor they were on. Once she knew she would climb out the window before leaping off the outside ledge. Landing easily on her feet, as was normal for one with feline attributes, she would immediately start running. She had no intentions of fully leaving but she couldn't spend one more moment in that house fully of anger. It was giving her a headache.

Raelynn never did anyone harm, she never hurt anyone, threatened anyone, smiled to everyone and still she was treated poorly by everyone just because she was so lost. And when she got upset, bad things tended to happen, like how the paperweight she had fixed would crack again along the lines of the original break right before it would shatter into pieces as she ran.

Continuing to run until she was too tired to run anymore, Raelynn would eventually slow as she came to a tree... nothing particularly special about it, either then being the one she started to run out of breath by... and scrambled up into it's branches.

((Sorry having probs with Vimal, trying to work on a post for him now, but coming up fairly flat atm x.x))