Joon or Jing, as she's apt to say, started at the sudden noise.

She had forgotten that she was at this convention—this half-dead, half-whatever-else convention. Pushing up her glasses (she had run out of contacts and, for better or for worse, was too lazy to go fetch a new box), the brunette slid off her seat, her footsteps echoing in the nearly silent room.

"If you keep doing this, you're going to puke yourself later." Jing smiled, but it was more of a shy grin than a welcoming, give-me-a-hug smile. "I'm Jing. Don't believe we've met before?"

But that was a lie—sort of.

Jing had, rather astutely, noticed the name-tag on the other girl: A Simple Sigh. The name was familiar, but it was the kind of familiarity cloaked in fogginess and unidentifiable memories. It was such a familiar name—had they role-played together? No. Jing would remember someone she's written with. So, it must have been in passing then. "I like good food, good company, and long walks on the beach."

I did say no questions during the introductory post, but, I rather like to ask questions to better know my community. So, tell me about your favorite musical artists (maybe link to a song?) or your favorite book. I'm sure, as a writing community, we have to have at least one book we really enjoy, yes?