As he slept, Ichiro dreamed of Tsukiko... He could practically feel her soft red lips gently brush across his cheek in his imagination. When he woke up to the sound of his watch beeping quietly in his ear, he turned it off before Tsukiko was awoken. Looking down at her sleeping body made him smile. He cared about her a lot and understood her more than he could even explain. He wasn't usually a 'nice' person, but for Tsukiko, he wanted to be perfect. He had begun to fall in love with the girl. As he pushed back a few stray hairs from her face, he couldn't help but whisper her name. "Tsukiko." Hoping she wouldn't wake up, he quickly pulled back his hand and blushed. He glanced at the clock and sighed. Class started soon, and one way or another, he was going to be late. Quickly, he grabbed a bag and shoved supplies into it without really even thinking. He wished that Tsukiko went to the school so that he might see her more often. He scrawled a short note.
Tsukiko, I'm sorry I'm not here. I couldn't wake you up. Be sure to stay as long as you need to. There's medicine in the bathroom cabinet, I know you probably have an annoying fever. I'll be back soon! <3

he dropped the note by the bed for her to clearly see when she awoke and then left for class.